Introducing Account Recovery

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Introducing Account Recovery

Post by Henhouse »

Over the past several months I've been getting more and more account recovery emails. I am constantly having to either respond to tickets telling them to email me and what to provide in their email. Then usually the user will forget something, give me the wrong email, etc, etc. It's a long process and I deal with tons of tickets weekly helping players recover stolen, lost or simply forgotten accounts.

So I spent the night re-programming some of the old features of the Account Manager. Firstly, I fixed the change password feature. However, it still will not work for player's accounts who's password hash is already corrupted. They'll need to recover account -> reset password.

But I decided I might as well go ahead and program an account recovery system, so I did just that. Basically you'll need to provide the ACCOUNT NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS and if they match, it will generate you a new password and email it to you. Hopefully this will make my life easier, as well as help out a lot of people in the process.
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Re: Introducing Account Recovery

Post by Vord »

Nicely done Hen /cheers
Retired Game Master

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