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Farewell Endania.

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 07:29
by Toosh
As not so many of you might know, I decided to make a short post in the News section as well about Endania as he deserves the honor and the community deserves to know.

He resigned, which is a shame, but I totally respect his decision even though it really came out of the blue for me as well as everyone else. I understand his reasons, and he's taking a few good steps in the right direction from my point of view.

I just want to wish best of luck to him in the future and he'll be dearly missed as a Head Game Master.

As of November the 18th, 7:23PM PST, Endania has left the building.

Kind regards,
Toosh and the rest of the Staff

Re: Farewell Endania.

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 13:54
by Xilience

Re: Farewell Endania.

Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 20:40
by Henhouse
I'm not going to copy and paste his resignation letter but he's basically moving in with his girlfriend and getting a full-time working job, etc. Really starting to move into the world now and it's a big step and we completely support his decision. I wrote him a long reply letting him know how grateful I am to have had him here.

Endania has really been a tremendous help here at Smolderforge for 1.3 years and I'm honored to have had him on our team. I wish him the best in his future and I hope everyone will miss him. (except for the banned Iranis/byy)

Re: Farewell Endania.

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 12:15
by Flayne
Henhouse wrote: Endania has really been a tremendous help here at Smolderforge for 1.3 years and I'm honored to have had him on our team. I wish him the best in his future and I hope everyone will miss him. (except for the banned Iranis/byy)
Lol. Their his biggest fan :)


Re: Farewell Endania.

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 00:00
by Imperium
Cya Endania. GL

Re: Farewell Endania.

Posted: 06 Feb 2011, 05:47
by Henhouse
Just an FYI Endania has been back on the GM team for a little while now!