Server Updates 5.0
Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 05:43
Smolderforge Server Updates 5.0
Please be advised some of these updates appear very old, they were supposed to be released in 4.4 which was turned into 5.0 and held off until OregonCore was stable. Remember to CLEAR YOUR CACHE!
- Sever Updates 5.1 will be a massive revamp of the gear system and such -- get ready.
In Memoriam: Paul Audine Henderson
List by Endania
Please be advised some of these updates appear very old, they were supposed to be released in 4.4 which was turned into 5.0 and held off until OregonCore was stable. Remember to CLEAR YOUR CACHE!
- Sever Updates 5.1 will be a massive revamp of the gear system and such -- get ready.
In Memoriam: Paul Audine Henderson
- I would like to dedicate this major server update of Smolderforge to my grandfather who recently passed away February 25th at the age of 84. He lived an amazing life, and I and my family continue on through him from his five children and ten grandchildren. Though I did not get to know him as well I would have liked to, he was an great inspiring man with a great wit, even at his old age. He passed away from leukemia and Alzheimer's. Grandpa, we will all miss you. We love you.
- Smolderforge has now moved to OregonCore. (OregonCore is a continuation of TrinityCore 2.4.3 after they stopped developing on it.)
- We've moved hosts over into the Netherlands to get a better server.
- The very old, custom class balancing patches added long ago to attempt balancing classes due to bugs and been removed and everything is set back to BC-default.
- Smolderforge has a brand new registration page! Check it out here.
- A automated donation system has been fully programmed and integrated with Paypal. This very high-tech system will email you your Transaction ID after you successfully make a purchase through Paypal in which the item you bought can be redeemed INSTANTLY in-game on which ever character you choose with the Transaction ID code. All you have to do is enter it in the newly spawned Donor Vendors! You can even give your friends the code! (The code is only usable ONCE)
- In response to the new donations system -- check out the new donor store!
- The forums now have the WoWHead item display scripts integrated, just hover over an item we linked below to see!
- BG event timers are now back and WSG and AB will alternate every hour.
- Arena points distribute every other day now.
- SWV now has a linked graveyard that will instantly respawn you for 75% of your health.
- Many items have been added back into the vendors along with new ones.
- You can no longer get the quest "Maintaining the Sunwell Portal" as it is not supported.
- The Hyjal portals back to the mall have been replaced with portals back to Battlemasters.
- You can now purchase 20 Sunmotes for 10 Badges from the bag vendor.
- The counsel bosses of Scarlet Citadel are now aggroing by default again instead of standing there.
- Renault Mograine will no longer aggro by default, you must attack him first.
- The AB and WSG BG queuers can no longer be attacked.
- Pre-BC raids have been closed on the level 70 server.
- Scarlet Abbot and Scarlet Monk's have had their damage and defenses significantly lowered.
- Booty Bay Bruisers no longer guard Stormwind Vault -- the Peacekeepers will take over their dirty work.
- It is no longer possible to buy Tier 1-3 and Dungeon Set 1-2. Please play Pre-BC to get to experience these items. Players already with the sets, can keep them.
- The exclusive mounts offered by the offset arena vendor no longer have AV mark requirements and can be obtainable.
- Vortred the Wrathcaster's HP has been lowered by 500,000.
- A large list of exclusive mounts have been removed from the vendors and players. They will soon come back as in-game purchasable items with maybe honor, badges or arena points -- not sure just yet.
- Arena finalists now get to choose what mount they can get when they place.
- Swift Spectral Tiger is now an arena-exclusive mount.
- Renault Mograine has had a tremendous increase in mana.
- Rampage Rank 3 is now available from the Warrior trainer -- please report stuff like this!
- Prayer of Fortitude Rank 3 is now available from the Priest trainer.
- Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury is now 60 Badges of Justice at the donor mall.
- Blade of Life's Inevitability and Grip of Mannoroth has been added to the Scarlet Citadel end loot.
- Alliance and Horde Spirit Protectors run a little bit faster now.
- The bosses in Stormwind Vault will now have a lot less health and some drop Fragments of Justice which Captain Dawnhearth can convert now also.
- Polymorph: Turtle is added back into the vendor, this time in Landro Longshot.
- Murloc Costume is now 40 Badges of Justice.
- There is now a second engineering mat vendor since the first one was full at 15 pages.
- The Angry Ghost of Scarlet Ancestry will only spawn once Mograine has been killed.
List by Endania
- If intercept / charge gets resisted, its only the stun that is resisted, not the whole moving part.
- Feign death and vanish now properly stops spellcasts.
- Grounding totem dissapears on spell cast like its supposed to.
- Dispel and stun resistances working.
- Normal dispel can no longer dispel bubble/iceblock, they're only dispellable with mass dispel.
- You will drop flag when you bubble.
- If you get disconnected in battleground, you log back in in the battleground and will avoid deserter.
- Frostbite now works correctly.
- Arcane missiles animation has returned.
- Vampiric Touch mana return should be working correctly.
- Rogue talents "relentless strikes" and "Improved Sprint" now working.
- Envenom works.
- Wound poison (50%) has returned.
- Water elemental can use the spell 'freeze' while casting waterbolts.
- Improved scorch is back.
- Mutilate now does correct damage.
- Coldblooding mutilate now does a double-crit, instead of just mainhand crit.
- Poison procrate is back to normal.
- Hunter talent ENTRAPMENT.
- Cyclone now prevents the cycloned target from being healed, including HoTs.
- Vanishing blinds and the other way around is now possible.
- Prayer of Mending scales with bonus healing, and now bounces correctly.
- Talents that gives resistance to spell pushback now work.
- Arena crystals are back! -- and working.
- Poison dispelling
- Lifebloom
- Subtlety
- Earth Shield now displays the correct number of stacks
- A lot of trinkets -- too many to list.
- Arena Preparation will now allow you to see your partner's pets to buff (if applicable).
- Fixed an issue with stealth being a debuff.
- Amplify Magic now is applying correctly.
- Fixed a visibility issue with flight paths -- you can now see people when bombing in Quel'Danas!
- Server bug that would crash the server.
- Fixed a typo in the quest "Live Hard, with a Vengeance" and reworded a sentence.