Happy 10-Year Anniversary!

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Happy 10-Year Anniversary!

Post by Henhouse »


10 years ago, I was a 14-year old boy who had a dream of running a server that people could play on and have fun. I wanted to be able to share things with players that I had made and see them enjoy it. I would have never guessed how many amazing connections, friends, and moments I have lived, experienced and shared over these years with you. I have made many contacts, traveled and met some of you, and continue to share a friendship with many of you.

Thank you. The past 10 years have been long, interesting, stressful, and amazing. Smolderforge is something I am so proud of and cherish very dearly. It has been an absolute privilege. It is hard to grasp just how much time has passed. It seems only recently we were celebrating our 5th anniversary. Yet, suddenly, 40% of my life has passed during the time of running this server. That is mind-boggling. When I started Smolderforge, I never could have imagined it would still be running 10 years later, but here we are celebrating this incredible milestone.

TEN YEARS. Thank you for the opportunity to share something special with you, and thank you to everyone who has been with us all these years, new, old: you're all a part of this celebration. Happy 10 years, everyone.

With humbled love,
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 70

Re: Happy 10-Year Anniversary!

Post by Rule »

Congratulation! Just amazing how long Smolderforge is already around. My only regret is that I didn't start earlier to play on my favorite TBC Server of all time. I had the most fun time playing on Smolderforge. Meeting alot of awesome People whom I still have contact untill today, some I even call brother but this isn't about me. Happy 10th Anniversary!

Much respect and love from me <3
Posts: 320

Re: Happy 10-Year Anniversary!

Post by Antique »

Bit late to the party but happy 10-year anniversary!
Keep it going strong!

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