Season 26 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams below that have qualified as our top teams for season 26. Teams qualified and placed based on the criteria you can find
Rewards will be given out within several hours of this post, and teams & arena points will be wiped, ushering in the start of season 27! Season 27 will end the start of 5 March, 2016.
1st Place:
- Ragekid
- Vellatryx
- 3v3 Solo: Warcrime
2nd Place:
- Rulex
- Casual
- 3v3 Solo: Primka
3rd Place:
- Gamergirl
- Minzmode
- 3v3 Solo: Cba
[*][/b] Please note that the two players receiving this title for 2v2 were in different teams. While this goes against the official rules to allow two teams to place at the same rank, we knew we would be unable to uphold the requirement to have those two teams face in a best-of-3 due to both teams having only one active player in each. Instead of changing the rules to favor Gamergirl by determining the winner by win percentage, or favor Minzmode by higher personal rating, we decided to award both of these teams this rank. In future seasons we will no longer be requiring the best-of-X series to determine placement, but by team's win percentage.
4th Place:
- Mestra
- Ptaq
- 3v3 Solo: Ozï
5th Place:
- Andrux
- Valantain
- 3v3 Solo: Xnumberone
6th Place:
- Decapitator
- Ptaqlollx
- 3v3 Solo: Shiat
7th Place:
- Cba
- Rulee
- 3v3 Solo: Gentlemanx
8th Place:
9th Place:
- Ptaqwl
- Strongdurid
- 3v3 Solo: Bolna
10th Place
- Malaak
- Mirokßeast
- 3v3 Solo: Dowson