Smolderforge Wrath release date!

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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Scoop »

Idk man.. every1 on SF/Pineapple Wrath had big epeens with their shoulders. Not EVERY1 would run around with them. Only the 1s with OP classes.

Example: Took me on feral spec like 2months to get 2050. Switched to my Hpala and got it in 2days.. GG
I understand you make more $$, and sorry for me hating on nubs, but I just hate when noobs run around in your gear that took pretty hard to get.

Idk if u ever played, it was hard for some classes and did require a few skills man. Sorry for you being god at this game..

~Also, I don't remember even being a 2.2k wep you could even get -.-, and yes my friend got 2200 with Trollin and he never got the wep cuz he couldn't.. All he got was a nice title and a mount -.-. Unless the 2.2k weps u talking about were the ones that were 1850 lol
Last edited by Scoop on 09 Jul 2012, 18:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Deems »

Scoop wrote: ~Also, I don't remember even being a 2.2k wep you could even get -.-, and yes my friend got 2200 with Trollin and he never got the wep cuz he couldn't..
Perhaps there was no 2.2k weapon in Pineapple, but there will be in SF Wrath. If you donate for wrathful, you will only receive the 1800 rating ilvl264 weapon and you must get to 2200 yourself to get ilvl277 weapon.
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Scoop »

but that is only one peice of gear. Pts only reset every 3days so it took a lil while to get fully gear, now I can get my gear in 10seconds and get 2200 ezmode with my new gear i put 0 effort in.

Wrathful was never a donation previously and it was 100% fine/perfect...
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Xilience »

Gear isn't even a symbol imo.
Anyone can get the gear if he gets boosted/wintrades/ (Warlock/Anything / Dk/Anything.JUST SAYIN) xD
It takes a few arena matches to see if the player is actually good.
Most of the best players on Smolderforge didn't even have wrath shoulders because they didn't have a partner or time or what ever.
For example - Imperium - I have little to no respect for elemental shamans but he played it really good with tricks (psyhic tricks tbh xD) and he's the reason i started playing ele at one moment.
Overdozze - Best Warrior on Smolderforge.Not sure but i don't thing he ever got a T2 wep because he never found a cool partner.Good warlock/warrior times bro xD
Elketefocka - One of the best rogues hands down,he wintraded to shoulders and T2 wep and was shit...
Few months later i can't win a single duel versus him with any class.
Too bad 99% of the players become elitists after they reach/pass some skill level (Me included tbh)
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Deems »

Xilience wrote: Overdozze - Best Warrior on Smolderforge.
Xilience wrote: Elketefocka - One of the best rogues hands down,he wintraded to shoulders and T2 wep and was shit...
Not sure if you're just joking with these two but both are total garbage. ESPECIALLY the latter.
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Balls »

*sniff sniff* What's that smell? Oh, golly. I do think that is the foul stench of circlejerking.
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Scoop »

Leetsauce #1 warrior

Besides that fact, it took awhile to get the gear cuz of the 3day reset. Like I said before, Wrathful was never a donation in the passed, and the server was perfect. Only reason i see right now is to make more $$ and I have nothing against that.Any $$ towards the server is great i obviously been there done that personally.

Here is what Leetsauce said in skype for proof that I am not the only 1 so I don't look like a total ass xD

[1:03:02 PM] Pete Shinryu Grieco: hi
[1:03:31 PM] Scoop: so...
[1:03:36 PM] Scoop: u can donate for full wrathful now
[1:03:49 PM] Pete Shinryu Grieco: on 2.4
[1:04:04 PM] Pete Shinryu Grieco: well smolderforge
[1:04:10 PM] Scoop: 3.5.5
[1:04:14 PM] Scoop: smolderforge
[1:04:18 PM] Pete Shinryu Grieco: wow
[1:04:22 PM] Pete Shinryu Grieco: thats lame..

and SXT:

[12:10:47 PM] Scoop: same
[12:10:50 PM] Scoop: it's only $18
[12:10:52 PM] Scoop: but still
[12:10:55 PM] Scoop: dude wtf..
[12:11:03 PM] Scoop: the whole point was to get 2050 so u looked gg
[12:11:09 PM] Christopher Hatcher: Now its gay
[12:11:12 PM] Scoop: yea
[12:11:13 PM] Christopher Hatcher: Now even if were pro
[12:11:17 PM] Scoop: now i kinda don't even wanna play
[12:11:17 PM] Christopher Hatcher: we look like faggots
[12:11:26 PM] Christopher Hatcher: but...
[12:11:29 PM] Christopher Hatcher: 20 IS FUCKING CHEAP
[12:11:32 PM] Christopher Hatcher: hes gonna make shitloads
[12:11:37 PM] Christopher Hatcher: everyone gonna be in it
[12:11:55 PM] Christopher Hatcher: I can work at my dads, for 1 day after repairs
[12:11:55 PM] Scoop: ugh
[12:11:57 PM] Scoop: so annoying
[12:11:58 PM] Christopher Hatcher: gg full wrathful char
[12:12:03 PM] Scoop: dude
[12:12:05 PM] Scoop: my diablo 3
[12:12:09 PM] Scoop: just payed for full wrath char
[12:12:13 PM] Scoop: actually
[12:12:16 PM] Christopher Hatcher: U legit now right?
[12:12:16 PM] Scoop: it payed for 2
[12:12:23 PM] Christopher Hatcher: Ur mad good atm?
[12:12:24 PM] Scoop: i made like $40 off of d3 lol
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[12:56:27 PM] XE: ah ur pizza guy
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Balls »

People who get upset that you can donate for gear are the ones who get a sense of achievement for wearing purple items that some other people do not have. Suck it up.

P.s. It's not gonna get changed no matter how much you whine
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Scoop »

meh wasn't whining as i explained, i posted an "opinion" and people decided to argue with me lol.
It's fine because 2200 was actually retarded to get since no1 queued that high pretty much :)
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Re: Smolderforge Wrath release date!

Post by Henhouse »

Mind you $18 is for the set ONLY. On AT is 30 euros for the set, plus all the PvE stuff around it, which we charge another $20 for.

When I stated designing SF Wrath I wanted Wrathful to be extremely rare. I was still in the mindset from 2 years ago when Pineapple didn't even have Wrathful. Remember, Pineapple played through the ending of Wrath of the Lich King even through Cataclysm. Donating for Wrathful at that time was political suicide; now, it's a standard.

We've made Wrathful the proper requirements it takes to obtain, not impossible. I think it's been designed quite fair. Originally we were going to charge $30 but loads of beta testers qq'ed and some suggested we split the PvE from the PvP (originally they were together) and we did.
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