Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Justbg »

Henhouse wrote:Today will be the final PTR testing day.

Too many bugs for a final day.On Orc-warrior(furry) can't put 2x two-hand maces.Orc - shaman doesn't work stormstrike (ench shaman can't without stormstrike) and why i cant put off-hand.

Woltk have tooo many bugs and stats is o.0 mage on 25k hp.And if we go to woltk DO SOMETHING FOR THE LAG please . In bg i have 3k lag :) (it isn't from my net)

Edit : and on shaman doesn't work magic for wolfs (the last in ench tallents , i forgot the name)
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Justbg & Nayu - sHamY
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Syvar »

Excuse me sir. Stormstrike works fine. And dual wield works fine. And titans grip works fine. I do not think you were doing this right because we have tested all the things you just listed and they work fine. Enhance shamans have only one bug and that is the wolves, though they do summon and still heal the shaman, they do not stun. And yes a mage can have 25 k hp. That is if you stack stamina gems.
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Dreadfury »

Deems wrote:
Henhouse wrote: [*]Priest - Penance
Good luck trying to play a disc priest guys
I'm pro disc priest, btw I can't connect. Everytime I try to log onto the server I get D/Ced, I changed the realmlist and upgraded my acc.
A good day to you, sir.
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Henhouse »

Dreadfury wrote:
Deems wrote:
Henhouse wrote: [*]Priest - Penance
Good luck trying to play a disc priest guys
I'm pro disc priest, btw I can't connect. Everytime I try to log onto the server I get D/Ced, I changed the realmlist and upgraded my acc.
Dreadfury, I suggest reading posts in this thread. Penance has been fixed, which was listed here: ... 6415#p6415

In addition we also said the server would be going down today, as we have passed the final testing day, also if you read this thread we announce when the server comes on each day. We do not keep it on 24/7 because it's running on my computer here and not the server we intend to run it on.
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Justbg »

Syvar wrote:Excuse me sir. Stormstrike works fine. And dual wield works fine. And titans grip works fine. I do not think you were doing this right because we have tested all the things you just listed and they work fine. Enhance shamans have only one bug and that is the wolves, though they do summon and still heal the shaman, they do not stun. And yes a mage can have 25 k hp. That is if you stack stamina gems.

And why i dont have those magics (stormstrike , wolves) and can't put two two-hand on warr !?! I train all magics and skills and tallents but stormstrike isn't in list of spells !!! And on shaman why i cant put off hand ? Btw - Orc shaman , Orc warr
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Justbg & Nayu - sHamY
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by xXxIcEy »

Syvar wrote:Excuse me sir. Stormstrike works fine. And dual wield works fine. And titans grip works fine. I do not think you were doing this right because we have tested all the things you just listed and they work fine. Enhance shamans have only one bug and that is the wolves, though they do summon and still heal the shaman, they do not stun. And yes a mage can have 25 k hp. That is if you stack stamina gems.
The mage he is refering to was me, and No i didnt stack stam, i had a couple gems for stam, such as my blue sockets...but by no means stacked stam...i had about 24.6k HP with like 2400 SP or somethin
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Altaiir »

Justbg, listen, it's not going to be 100% retail level, some spells aren't going to work, please stop complaining and let the GM's do their job.
Never Give Up, Never Back Down, No Matter Who The Opponent, Become Better Than Him, No Mercy, No Risk No Reward.
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Skriv »

Paladin's talent Judgement of the wise doesn't work and seal of blood doesn't work fine (damage is ok but after use judge of blood or crusader stike i'm losing too much health)
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Syvar »

I have tested shamans thoroughly and storm strike is in the spell list but you sound like you are overlooking a few things. You must spec into storm strike and dual wield in your talent tree. Also two handed weapons from the talent Titans-Grip do work. I have tested this as well. And also mages can have a lot of stamina, I do not know what rings you put on, or trinkets etc. There is no issue with items giving too much stamina because all the items are straight from retail. If you put all PvP gear on as a mage, you will have much more than a common mage who wears 2 tier 7.5 and 3 PvP gear.
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Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)

Post by Justbg »

Altaiir wrote:Justbg, listen, it's not going to be 100% retail level, some spells aren't going to work, please stop complaining and let the GM's do their job.

Ok ok i just tell my problem , dont eat my head :D
JuSt mOunT hEr :D

Justbg & Nayu - sHamY
Bgrougee - RoGuE
Bghealer & Candwen- Healers
Faste - HunTeR
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