3.1.3 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

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Re: 3.0.9 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

Post by Mirustek »

Nice:) thanks for reply ;)...i want to play there as soon as possible :) this time i wont call my priest "yesiambest"xDxDxD
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Re: 3.0.9 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

Post by Henhouse »

So I recorded 50 minutes of me working on 3.1.3 and it's mostly all converting over Hyjal. I have to target all the gameobjects, insert them in for the right places, etc even the NPCs and the custom ones. It takes a while but I wanted to show people what it is really like since they love to criticize when I would love to see them do my job.

So it's basically a behind the scenes look at working on a server and the work you have to put into one... yeah. It's long even if you skim you'll see. I basically had most of the vendors transferred over, but you'll see me move a lot more over and also some more stuff. I'll spawn all the vendors in the "new mall" all lined up so I got a list of them to place them at a later time which will be really fun... not.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJc82dV1 ... playnext=1
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Re: 3.0.9 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

Post by Henhouse »

^ Uploaded the videos finally, check them out in my above post in high quality!
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Re: 3.1.3 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

Post by Roadtodawn3 »

damn lots of work
Its Fluckadinz!
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Re: 3.1.3 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

Post by Tonxik »

kk sry henry but that was just to much for mah...2 mins and that was that...i just would die if i would have to watch it ...and damn that messenger or w/e it was that voice ...jesus how can ya take it...

but yeh it takes shit load of time and umm hard work.
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Re: 3.1.3 is coming. It's over there! Wait! No! CATCH IT OMG!

Post by Henhouse »

tonxik wrote:kk sry henry but that was just to much for mah...2 mins and that was that...i just would die if i would have to watch it ...and damn that messenger or w/e it was that voice ...jesus how can ya take it...

but yeh it takes shit load of time and umm hard work.
Well, now you know :P Scarlet Citadel was just like that too. lol with testing.
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