Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

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Posts: 192

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Abwyz »

Dntryme wrote:Reminder to people which think that SWP isn't gamebreaking:
Nice video, with heroism and haste level 60 trinket that no one is using. Please try better.
Posts: 49

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Nozaz »

Abwyz wrote: Nice video, with heroism and haste level 60 trinket that no one is using. Please try better.
Posts: 60

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by fiyah »

Nozaz wrote:
fiyah wrote:So basically you are stealing from people who managed to farm their gear, instead of donating for it just because it gives edge in PvP? I think it will be alot more easy just to apply a somewhat of prevention for players with any pve item to join a battleground or arena match. Also remove SC and open SWP and script all raids properly and PvE will be once again interesting.
P.S. You do realise that you gotta remove S4 gear aswell, right?
P.P.S. You gotta reopen 3v3 and 5v5 bracket also. TBC pvp wasn't designed around 2v2 but 3v3.
More than 80% of the server play PvP, so why would they focus on PvE? The PvP system on Smolderforge needs a re-design, not PvE.
Also, remove S4 - what?
Abwyz wrote:Removing swp gear is the worst thing You can do.
Probably because you can't do anything else beside "abusing" haste gear.
The PvP system is as it was on retail and it worked fine. Blizzard did not remove PvE gear from arenas, and people were playing it. The problem here is that there is only one bracket available and its 2v2. As I said TBC PvP isn't balanced around 2v2 but more like around 3v3. @ Dntryme, you can't outdps 2 healers. And yes, it's called "logic" to to remove S4 gear aswell, because it is in the same tier as SWP tier gear. Once again, devs must reconsider their plans and find another solution to fix PvP instead of punishing people who got their gear legit.
Posts: 49

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Nozaz »

fiyah wrote:
The PvP system is as it was on retail and it worked fine. Blizzard did not remove PvE gear from arenas, and people were playing it.
On retail not all of the people had access to full SWP gear.
Posts: 60

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by fiyah »

Nozaz wrote:
fiyah wrote:
The PvP system is as it was on retail and it worked fine. Blizzard did not remove PvE gear from arenas, and people were playing it.
On retail not all of the people had access to full SWP gear.
On retail u had more than 2000 people per realm.... Majority of them had SWP gear. I don't see your point.
Posts: 49

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Nozaz »

fiyah wrote: On retail u had more than 2000 people per realm.... Majority of them had SWP gear. I don't see your point.
I can't remember that I ever faced a full SWP premade on retail.
Posts: 60

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by fiyah »

Nozaz wrote:
fiyah wrote: On retail u had more than 2000 people per realm.... Majority of them had SWP gear. I don't see your point.
I can't remember that I ever faced a full SWP premade on retail.
Who gives a fuck about battlegrounds lol..... The issue here is about arenas. The devs want to remove pve gear so they can balance 2v2 bracket. That bracket was not supposed to be balanced in the first place. Thats why you have 3v3 and 5v5 brackets.
Posts: 49

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Nozaz »

fiyah wrote: Who gives a fuck about battlegrounds lol..... The issue here is about arenas. The devs want to remove pve gear so they can balance 2v2 bracket. That bracket was not supposed to be balanced in the first place. Thats why you have 3v3 and 5v5 brackets.
2v2 bracket is pretty balanced, with SWP main parts you won't come pretty far.
Who gives a fuck about battlegrounds? The major part of Smoldeforge does.
Posts: 60

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by fiyah »

Nozaz wrote:
fiyah wrote: Who gives a fuck about battlegrounds lol..... The issue here is about arenas. The devs want to remove pve gear so they can balance 2v2 bracket. That bracket was not supposed to be balanced in the first place. Thats why you have 3v3 and 5v5 brackets.
2v2 bracket is pretty balanced, with SWP main parts you won't come pretty far.
Who gives a fuck about battlegrounds? The major part of Smoldeforge does.
I think you are playing on different realm. As I said, they want to reduce the burst in 2v2 arenas. You seriously think that removing SWP gear will reduce the burst in a battleground? Where there are like 5+ people focusing 1 player? No, you got that wrong. People are crying about Ele shamans and Balance druids mainly.
Posts: 49

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Nozaz »

fiyah wrote:No, you got that wrong. People are crying about Ele shamans and Balance druids mainly.
And PvE warlocks, shadow priests, shockadins, rogues, ...

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