Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Avalei »

Something that came to my mind - are these mogs going to have class restrictions? Or will mages who can carry one handed swords be able to run around with a warglaive, or druids with Anathema/Benediction will also become a thing? (yeah i know that will cost some of the main stats, but fashion)
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Grael »


This is one of the 'warglaives'. Anathema staff will not have any restrictions though.
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Henhouse »

Legendary transmog for arena will be released next server restart. We apologize for the delay, but we've made massive improvements to the "legendary" status of these items, additionally increasing the total amount from 60, to 104. Look for the new NPC in the mall upon next restart!
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by fiyah »

Infusion wrote:Annnd another retarded comment from you. Please explain how did SF lose 45% of its population? Like, do the maths for me.
There is no PvE anymore, rarely a 5man.
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Infusion »

fiyah wrote:There is no PvE anymore.
That's like less than 10% of the population. And most of them didn't leave, instead of crying like you're doing they rolled to PvP.
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