I believe it saves everything regardless of rank, but I can test this.Lelol wrote:Make sure to copy over lower ranked spells when saving the actionbars. Unlike the addon "actionbarsaver" which always puts out the highest rank of your spells when loading up a save.
Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
Henhouse how much does it cost and how much do you project in donation surplus over the past few years?
If you believe you can still be afloat via donations go for it. I love this feature though and i'm very sure the community does to. I honestly have toons dedicated towards certain specs - which this would save alot of time.
The con is that some people literally donate to have 3 characters of the same class so that they don't have to switch. With this - you'd rule the need to out. So just keep an eye out. On the other hand you may have huge community backing and this feature puts you a step vastly ahead of other servers and attract more - thus boosting popularity and word of mouth - and thus possible consumer base.
Review the amount of donations you receive with reoccurring accounts and view the amounts from new accounts. I just want to make sure you'll still be able to hold my 33 characters, 6 of which are druids.
If you believe you can still be afloat via donations go for it. I love this feature though and i'm very sure the community does to. I honestly have toons dedicated towards certain specs - which this would save alot of time.
The con is that some people literally donate to have 3 characters of the same class so that they don't have to switch. With this - you'd rule the need to out. So just keep an eye out. On the other hand you may have huge community backing and this feature puts you a step vastly ahead of other servers and attract more - thus boosting popularity and word of mouth - and thus possible consumer base.
Review the amount of donations you receive with reoccurring accounts and view the amounts from new accounts. I just want to make sure you'll still be able to hold my 33 characters, 6 of which are druids.
MVP - Most Valuable Poster (account switched from Sailown234)
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
We are planning some big changes for arena. We will announce them in the near future.Evolve wrote:There is only one 2k+ team in que per week/2 weeks and that team is constantly relogging on "snipe team" whenever the team which might beat them is online... R2 LD btw xDDDD Other teams in que are 1490 show cloak blood elf male mages which give you +1 after 10 minutes of waiting.(to get 10 games per flush you have to wait 1.5 hour) It is rly hard to even play 10 games per flush. (2k team is waiting 7 minutes to get que popup with 2150 team... the rating range should be increased)
Several reasons that this didn't work well. It was entirely too reliant on me to make work. Itslovelol would make several fixes with some description of what all it does/what it fixes. It then is my job to pass that information into Grael, in detail, so that he knows what to look for. Then, update a development server to run the latest version with these changes, then have Grael find the time to get everyone ready to test these few changes. Rinse and repeat throughout the week. It just didn't seem plausible, not to mention a lot of things to test absolutely required a GM to lead people through, or a ton of testing to figure out if it worked or not. Many things that "went wrong" were unrelated to what the intended fix was, meaning it's unlikely players would find them while testing in their free time. As horrible as it is sometimes, having the changes on live result in us finding them much faster than volunteered testing would. While it would be ideal, it's not a very effective method.Apuclevercow wrote:Grael introduced us a test server but it seems like the plan didn't work afterward. Any reason ?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
@Hardlight I like @Discyo's suggestion. I think it's right and fair to let everyone have access to this feature freely. I think we can do that. However, additional slots for a 3rd spec should be reserved.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
- Comeherefour
- Posts: 60
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
Why implement it this way ? Why not make npc with "pre-installed" specs and players could easily switch between specs like at that "starter npc" - same idea with little bit of twist. If someone got his unique spec he can respec by old way with Liron. I mean seems like that feature would be much easier to implement than chars having two specs "on them".
Anyway I think idea of dual specs is waste of time. I barely respec these days and if - its about less than a minute procedure. People are lazy as fuck these days.
Anyway I think idea of dual specs is waste of time. I barely respec these days and if - its about less than a minute procedure. People are lazy as fuck these days.
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
Cos we don't all use the same specs/talentsComeherefour wrote:Why implement it this way ? Why not make npc with "pre-installed" specs and players could easily switch between specs like at that "starter npc" - same idea with little bit of twist. If someone got his unique spec he can respec by old way with Liron. I mean seems like that feature would be much easier to implement than chars having two specs "on them".
Anyway I think idea of dual specs is waste of time. I barely respec these days and if - its about less than a minute procedure. People are lazy as fuck these days.
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
The two classes that I play the most are Paladin and Druid. On my Paladin: I enjoy Shockadin for soloing/survivability, Retribution for PvP/PvE, and since Paladins are the most wanted tanks (and there are barely any tanks as is) I often have to switch to Protection for Daily Heroics. On my Druid: I play Moonkin mostly, but enjoy switching to feral for soloing/PvE, and switching to restoration for Arena or as necessary. It is not always quite as simple as just changing 1-3 spells. It would be fantastic to have this feature implemented, especially since I don't always want to hearth or find the teleport master to respec. I agree with the first being free, or costing a small amount of honor/badges, and then additional specializations costing vote points or a larger amount of honor/badges.
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
You have a stressful game life :O, good luckgoddess wrote:The two classes that I play the most are Paladin and Druid. On my Paladin: I enjoy Shockadin for soloing/survivability, Retribution for PvP/PvE, and since Paladins are the most wanted tanks (and there are barely any tanks as is) I often have to switch to Protection for Daily Heroics. On my Druid: I play Moonkin mostly, but enjoy switching to feral for soloing/PvE, and switching to restoration for Arena or as necessary. It is not always quite as simple as just changing 1-3 spells. It would be fantastic to have this feature implemented, especially since I don't always want to hearth or find the teleport master to respec. I agree with the first being free, or costing a small amount of honor/badges, and then additional specializations costing vote points or a larger amount of honor/badges.
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
Totally unnecessary in my opinion. Its TBC and not Cataclysm where you got way more spells and like up to 70 or even more keybinds as healer, including 3on3 macros.
If you got any clue about the classes you're playing in TBC, then it takes maybe 5 - 10 minutes to respec properly and switch your spells and macros in the bars, depending on which class, it can be done even faster.
As stated in some previous post, which i totally agree with, focus on fixing major/minor bugs that has been annoying people for ages. Would probably attract way more new players, who'll also consider continue playing here in the future.
Another big deal, which also surely helps increasing the player base, are cross faction battlegrounds.
There was always some discussion here about things that never gonna happen, but in the end almost all did, like for example the swp gear wipe.
So i would'nt see one reason against cross faction bgs, since it's annoying as fuck people logging on horde or ally after one lose in a bg, which makes the queue go like 15 hordes 0 allys, then 0 hordes 15 allys.
It's pretty much based on my experience and whoever is honest will completely agree with me in that point.
However it's a nice little feature, but you and your staff should maybe put some effort in other things rather than the dual spec.
PS: Since Exsurgo is gone or idk what happened to him, the server and bugs went worse and worse everytime i logged. That's just my opinion.
Best Regards, Swackx
If you got any clue about the classes you're playing in TBC, then it takes maybe 5 - 10 minutes to respec properly and switch your spells and macros in the bars, depending on which class, it can be done even faster.
As stated in some previous post, which i totally agree with, focus on fixing major/minor bugs that has been annoying people for ages. Would probably attract way more new players, who'll also consider continue playing here in the future.
Another big deal, which also surely helps increasing the player base, are cross faction battlegrounds.
There was always some discussion here about things that never gonna happen, but in the end almost all did, like for example the swp gear wipe.
So i would'nt see one reason against cross faction bgs, since it's annoying as fuck people logging on horde or ally after one lose in a bg, which makes the queue go like 15 hordes 0 allys, then 0 hordes 15 allys.
It's pretty much based on my experience and whoever is honest will completely agree with me in that point.
However it's a nice little feature, but you and your staff should maybe put some effort in other things rather than the dual spec.
PS: Since Exsurgo is gone or idk what happened to him, the server and bugs went worse and worse everytime i logged. That's just my opinion.
Best Regards, Swackx
http://de.twitch.tv/aimzje // check out my stream and follow me if you enjoy the content.
Re: Dual Spec preview! & discussion needed!
This feature has been released! Visit your mall trainer to enable the feature.
We had to conduct a rewrite of most of the system due to errors back during its initial testing phase in July. The system now adapts to players' talents, therefore a server-side talent reset was not needed this time. Additionally we programmed in more quality-of-life changes. This feature is free to everyone.
It has received some improvements from the video originally shown. I may re-record it and put it on the front page. I appreciate everyone's patience waiting for this feature.
We had to conduct a rewrite of most of the system due to errors back during its initial testing phase in July. The system now adapts to players' talents, therefore a server-side talent reset was not needed this time. Additionally we programmed in more quality-of-life changes. This feature is free to everyone.
It has received some improvements from the video originally shown. I may re-record it and put it on the front page. I appreciate everyone's patience waiting for this feature.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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