If this wasn't clear, MVPs are NOT higher ranking, or special in any way. The MVP rank is Most Valuable Poster. It's an award received to point out to most people seeking support, that this person's answer is most likely correct. It's also received to good contribution in the environment on the community. I would never give out donors back to only some people and restrict refunds to everyone else. That would be a total ass if I were to do something like that.Fraternity wrote:U couldnt care less Altaiir since ur MVP and u will get ur donor back.
Avronax is correct, you donated to Smolderforge. You NEVER paid for a donor character, this is a common misconception but we do it so that it cannot be held against us. You are rewarded for donating $5 or more to Smolderforge. You never hit a "buy now" button.
As an update, I can confirm that the ISP and IP have NOT been changed. I was successfully able to login to the security cameras and go through the video footage and nothing was recorded on the day Smolderforge went down -- meaning there wasn't a break-in or anything since it records when it's motion sensors go off and the cameras are still running.
That leaves two possibilities that I can think of. Both seem unlikely but it's the only two I can think of. First, Smolderforge had a power-surge, hard drive failure, or somehow Microsoft forgot I have automatic updates turned OFF and shut down my computer and updated and never rebooted. Or second, the Ethernet port that SF is connected to in our router burned out or overheated and broke due to over 400 days of constant access.
Now, can someone that was playing at the MOMENT Smolderforge went down provide me with this answer: Did Smolderforge shut down, or instantly go away? If it instantly shutdown were you able to login and see the Realmlist but not connect? Or was the entire thing offline?
Now, I'm back from vacation and will be able to head up there in a few days.