Smolderforge is Going Dedicated.

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Re: Smolderforge is Going Dedicated.

Post by Holypwnage »

This is great news...ill try to find a way how to donate (transfer of money to paypal is bit complicated in my country but ill try my best)...i hope this step will help sf to be one of the top pvp rly excited about this and i hope things wont go wrong...big thx to henhouse and his team
Holypwnage - is LF a super duper ultra mega hyper giga master blaster WARRIOR
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Re: Smolderforge is Going Dedicated.

Post by Altaiir »

Holypwnage, I hope to see you back on SF, if you haven't gone back already, I miss 2v2ing with you :)
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Re: Smolderforge is Going Dedicated.

Post by Deems »

Henhouse wrote:Yeah, that's why transfer prices were increased. We'll consider raising the donor price, but we do like to cheep stuff low.

Yeah Primez has been working hard. Probably 3 hours last night were spent getting him a test server set up, lol. But he's trying to fix not only the disspell problem on Wound Poison, but I think Deadly Poison as well.
Yeah... buff rogues even more with the dispel resistance.

Fix classes that NEEDS fixing before buffing classes that really does not NEED it.
Holypwnage wrote:This is great news...ill try to find a way how to donate (transfer of money to paypal is bit complicated in my country but ill try my best)...i hope this step will help sf to be one of the top pvp rly excited about this and i hope things wont go wrong...big thx to henhouse and his team
You don't have to TRANSFER money to paypal, if you have a credit/debit card.
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