Poll: Possible New Realm

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Poll: Please read the options below and vote

Option 1.
Option 2.
Option 1 & 3
Option 2 & 3
Total votes: 24

Posts: 31

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by gianni »

i think the tourney IS in 2.4.
and the 3.0 or pre tbc realm will come after the tournament.
atleast thats what i understood... :P
just rly hope ppl will choose for option 2 and 3. even if for a while there will be many bugs, after a while most of them will get fixed. pretbc will get boring after a while anyways. (thats my opinion anyways)
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Henhouse »

roadtodawn3 wrote:meh rofl you guys do what you want, rofl i know riski realllly realllllllly wants a bc realm, but when he plays it and sees the 'fun times' that come from doing bg's over and over again rofl, thats the best, and no pve on private servers, unless you have a really dedicated grp that reallly wants to play for a long long time, esp. with 40 mans rofl...but ya i really hope it all ends up well, esp the 3v3 tourney realm
Seriously? Battlegrounds is the least attention for this. Raiding would be the main focus, I'm assuming you just completely forgot the level 60 epic raids?

'fun times'? Yeah there's not going to be fun times, I guarantee it. When we went to Wrath it was ticket after ticket of poisons not working, paladins over powered, where are the death knights, etc. People just don't understand that there will be a huge gap of class balance and loads of bugs.
gianni wrote:i think the tourney IS in 2.4.
and the 3.0 or pre tbc realm will come after the tournament.
atleast thats what i understood... :P
just rly hope ppl will choose for option 2 and 3. even if for a while there will be many bugs, after a while most of them will get fixed. pretbc will get boring after a while anyways. (thats my opinion anyways)
You are correct, the tournament would be in 2.4.3 before the server went to whatever won. According to our poll right now, the majority winning is the Pre-BC if you add option 1 and option 1 & 3. LIke Riski said, the votes add if they are the same, but whichever one wins the option 3, will decide.

So as of right now, Pre-BC with 2.4.3 Tournament is winning.
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by gianni »

i think that at the end the pre bc realm will win :P
you ppl wrote too many bad things about wrath that no1 will vote for it... :)
but even if i liked wotlk, pre bc will be fun too. when i hitted 60 on my priest, bc just came out. so I never did raids or pvp on 60...
i just hope its as awesome as some ppl say :D
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Riski »

Yea I try as much as I can to get people not to vote for Wrath, but all I said was complete fact. Wrath is a little bugged when compared to Pre-BC.

Also to any of you that do wonder what Fluk had stated, I have been on a server LESS populated than ours that was able to successfully raid instances all the time, in fact, not sure how long the server had been alive but, there were even a couple (2-3 or 4) high level raid guilds that were doing Ahn'Qiraj and such of that level. I guarantee with some time if we got a pre-bc server then it would start to get populated enough with people that are dedicated to pve. Besides who actually looks for a Pre-BC server to PvP? Everyone that wants to play a Pre-BC server most of the time wants it for the PvE but the PvP is still pretty kick-ass.
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Maria »

I played on some Wrath servers and some things are not balanced but it can be lots of fun. If the server would be a Wrath arena server then we might as well take our mind off it. Talents, spells, items could show up with deficiencies and make some classes favored over the others. I would love to see a 3.0x server in which people can level along, without many custom options, in which people can explore some of the new content and get used to the new way World of Warcraft is right now. I think from my opinion that there have been updates since the last attempt to go 3.0 on smolderforge. There have been a lot of fixes. A test realm would do fine for a short time maybe. As far as Pre BC goes, there would be less work for Tezz and the other GMs and it will cause less confusion. I think that after a first attempt of leveling and reaching 60 people will not have as much interest in it.

I didn't mean to say anything rude and keep up the good work!
Uhh ..

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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Deems »

Option 2.

Theres some pros and cons. I know.

- More core updates because wotlk is the most updated one
- More players due to not many people kept 2.4.3
- No custom raids (wohoo less lag)
- LESS BUGS (read pro nr.1)
- Allows people to play with better graphics x) (shadows <3)

- DKs
- Lack of PVP and PVE items to allow access to normal people / donors. (e.g. now there is 4 seasons, whereas wotlk has 2 (season 6 starting at 3.1.0)

Thats pretty much it.
Though, it would create alot of Q.Q like "omg wotlk pvp suxxx" etc, but trust me, its NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU JUST HAVE RESILIENCE. Most people who QQ about the pvp never had above 400 resi in wotlk so dont know a SHIT about it. Its NOT as unbalanced as nubs make it sound like.
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Henhouse »

Deems wrote:Option 2.

Theres some pros and cons. I know.

- More core updates because wotlk is the most updated one
- More players due to not many people kept 2.4.3
- No custom raids (wohoo less lag)
- LESS BUGS (read pro nr.1)
- Allows people to play with better graphics x) (shadows <3)

- DKs
- Lack of PVP and PVE items to allow access to normal people / donors. (e.g. now there is 4 seasons, whereas wotlk has 2 (season 6 starting at 3.1.0)

Thats pretty much it.
Though, it would create alot of Q.Q like "omg wotlk pvp suxxx" etc, but trust me, its NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU JUST HAVE RESILIENCE. Most people who QQ about the pvp never had above 400 resi in wotlk so dont know a SHIT about it. Its NOT as unbalanced as nubs make it sound like.
Updates are bad, the cause database problems and more things to become bugged. Also Wrath is updated because they are trying to fix things, not really implement anything. Less people were playing when we went to 3.0.3. We announced we were doing it about 2 weeks before we did. The max people on was 24, as soon as we went back it was back to 105 people maxed again. Custom raids are important because the wrath ones will not work leading to much harder ways to get gear without them. Less bugs, not true and will probably never be true due to constant updates. Better graphics is also not true, the game has been improved in graphics and your FPS will go down in areas like that. Which is the main reason we have our mall in South Seas, and not somewhere like Shattrath.
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Mehh »

Get that tournament realm up. Would be so much fun.
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Deems »

Henhouse wrote:
Deems wrote:Option 2.

Theres some pros and cons. I know.

- More core updates because wotlk is the most updated one
- More players due to not many people kept 2.4.3
- No custom raids (wohoo less lag)
- LESS BUGS (read pro nr.1)
- Allows people to play with better graphics x) (shadows <3)

- DKs
- Lack of PVP and PVE items to allow access to normal people / donors. (e.g. now there is 4 seasons, whereas wotlk has 2 (season 6 starting at 3.1.0)

Thats pretty much it.
Though, it would create alot of Q.Q like "omg wotlk pvp suxxx" etc, but trust me, its NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU JUST HAVE RESILIENCE. Most people who QQ about the pvp never had above 400 resi in wotlk so dont know a SHIT about it. Its NOT as unbalanced as nubs make it sound like.
Updates are bad, the cause database problems and more things to become bugged. Also Wrath is updated because they are trying to fix things, not really implement anything. Less people were playing when we went to 3.0.3. We announced we were doing it about 2 weeks before we did. The max people on was 24, as soon as we went back it was back to 105 people maxed again. Custom raids are important because the wrath ones will not work leading to much harder ways to get gear without them. Less bugs, not true and will probably never be true due to constant updates. Better graphics is also not true, the game has been improved in graphics and your FPS will go down in areas like that. Which is the main reason we have our mall in South Seas, and not somewhere like Shattrath.
"Better graphics is also not true" What the HELL are you smoking? I got everything on full but shadows on half bar, and I get a 20-40 FPS on dalaran on a normal day. 60 FPS constantly while questing. Might go down to 30-40 when I raid.

The difference between 2.4.3 full settings and 3.0.8 full settings is huge.
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Post by Henhouse »

Deems wrote:
Henhouse wrote:
Deems wrote:Option 2.

Theres some pros and cons. I know.

- More core updates because wotlk is the most updated one
- More players due to not many people kept 2.4.3
- No custom raids (wohoo less lag)
- LESS BUGS (read pro nr.1)
- Allows people to play with better graphics x) (shadows <3)

- DKs
- Lack of PVP and PVE items to allow access to normal people / donors. (e.g. now there is 4 seasons, whereas wotlk has 2 (season 6 starting at 3.1.0)

Thats pretty much it.
Though, it would create alot of Q.Q like "omg wotlk pvp suxxx" etc, but trust me, its NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU JUST HAVE RESILIENCE. Most people who QQ about the pvp never had above 400 resi in wotlk so dont know a SHIT about it. Its NOT as unbalanced as nubs make it sound like.
Updates are bad, the cause database problems and more things to become bugged. Also Wrath is updated because they are trying to fix things, not really implement anything. Less people were playing when we went to 3.0.3. We announced we were doing it about 2 weeks before we did. The max people on was 24, as soon as we went back it was back to 105 people maxed again. Custom raids are important because the wrath ones will not work leading to much harder ways to get gear without them. Less bugs, not true and will probably never be true due to constant updates. Better graphics is also not true, the game has been improved in graphics and your FPS will go down in areas like that. Which is the main reason we have our mall in South Seas, and not somewhere like Shattrath.
"Better graphics is also not true" What the HELL are you smoking? I got everything on full but shadows on half bar, and I get a 20-40 FPS on dalaran on a normal day. 60 FPS constantly while questing. Might go down to 30-40 when I raid.

The difference between 2.4.3 full settings and 3.0.8 full settings is huge.
Then you have a better performance computer than other people. Because almost everyone's computer will not increase in speed. And with 2GB more of map data sending from the server to the client will lower it for you also.
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