Faction Imbalance.
Re: Faction Imbalance.
Horde character creation is now fully restored.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Faction Imbalance.
Can anyone tell me if the balance is somewhat decent at the moment?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Faction Imbalance.
its not true if u give ally bore badge of justice(boj) or give them better buffs u will see that peoples won't go rushing ally. I played on the biggest private server (scape), they had the same problem and solve it by giving ally more boj witch balanced the factions and still there were more horde then ally but now the number war around 4 horde for each 3 ally(or smt). So i think its beter to try this extra boj/buff idea for 1 week and see what happens.
- Posts: 264
Re: Faction Imbalance.
Giving buffs? I don't think so that just makes the whole game gay , but u can have all the badges u want since gear don't matter as much.
Thats just what i would do.
Thats just what i would do.
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