We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soon™
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
Henhous i love you wanna d8? jk but thanks bro appreciate it !
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Merciless Gladiator Thundercho
Merciless Gladiator Gankstayo
Merciless Gladiatorl Gankstashock
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Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
well gz henry u finally managed to do it,quite an upgrade
Red sun rises...Blood has been spilled at night!
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
Wicked about the PreBC server :DHenhouse wrote:Login now problem was my fault, it's fixed at the moment before we start backups.Chomba wrote:Is that why i cant log in now ?
Also, will this fix the PHAT lag problems ? and will there be less class bugs ?
Lag problems; well... We have 2Mbit upload now... We'll soon have 100Mbit upload. Go figure. We'll be able to run several servers on here. Wrath and maybe PreBC in the future.
If there's lag, someone obviously just divided by zero.
Donate, donate, donate! We need the moneyz to pay for the server! ^_^
My server shut down like 6 months ago and i've been looking for a new good one, where everyone would start at zero.
I'll be donating again this week btw.
dazed for days
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
Yeah Henhouse! Dedicated is good!
Never Give Up, Never Back Down, No Matter Who The Opponent, Become Better Than Him, No Mercy, No Risk No Reward.
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
I apologize, the account pruning took a bit longer that we thought. 29,000 accounts were deleted along with many, many, many characters.
We've still received no word from the company so we're calling them to yell at them. It doesn't take almost 12 hours to set up a server.
We've still received no word from the company so we're calling them to yell at them. It doesn't take almost 12 hours to set up a server.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
29,000 accounds deleted ? oO wow
Are they newer accounts or old acounts ? or just random ones ?
oh, and it took 2 weeks for my old server to go dedicated, mostly cos the host was French and the GMs couldnt communicate properly..but still :p
Are they newer accounts or old acounts ? or just random ones ?
oh, and it took 2 weeks for my old server to go dedicated, mostly cos the host was French and the GMs couldnt communicate properly..but still :p
dazed for days
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
The script deleted accounts older than 8 months and their characters. It was pretty insane so I actually saved the output log for those people interested:
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
i cant even remember when my account was made oO, must have been 7 months ago or something i guess. :o
Will the realmlist change btw ?
Will the realmlist change btw ?
dazed for days
Re: We're Going Dedicated -- Very Soonâ„¢
Apparently the provision team doesn't work Sundays so the server will be set up Monday. Great because I won't be here all day that day. /sigh.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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