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Season 33 has come to a close. Congratulations to the teams below that have qualified as our top teams for season 33. Teams qualified and placed based on the criteria you can find here.
Rewards will be given out within ~24 hours of this post, and teams & arena points will be wiped, ushering in the start of season 34! Season 34 will end the start of 10 December 2017.
1st Place:
3v3 Solo: Fluidyo
2nd Place:
3v3 Solo: Esaaxyz
3rd Place:
3v3 Solo: Powerofmage
4th Place:
3v3 Solo: Spalding
5th Place:
3v3 Solo: Oowneed
6th Place:
3v3 Solo: Azielol
7th Place:
3v3 Solo: Paollyhihi
8th Place:
3v3 Solo: Ikingl
9th Place:
3v3 Solo: Sherep
10th Place
3v3 Solo: Zimka
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Several alterations have been made to the finalist list. It's often easier for us to make appropriate adjustments post-season end, as we get a lot of reports and new information to investigate sent by multiple people at the very last minute, making it difficult to fully be concluded by the time of season end.
The 1st place team, involving Paradice had 9 points removed due to a game we view to be invalid. This would move the team to 2nd place if we did not mistakenly forget to leave the original 2nd place team out as none of the members met the personal rating requirement to receive rewards. Thus everyone below rank 2 has been bumped up 1 place, and a new 10th place team has received Challenger.
Apologizes for the changes to anyone this affects, as I said, it's often hard to have everything totally ready in time. Sorry for the mistakes. Rewards have been appropriately adjusted/removed.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
These invalid games seem to surround the same People as last Season maybe just maybe remove legendarys,tabards,mounts and titles and give the Gladiator rewards to Ptaq and Mirok. :)
Dont know why mention me. I dont even participate in this freakshow where people doing the most obvious kind of wintrade playing 2 accounts from same pc get rewarded with r1 xd. I did what I had to do so put Mirok n Ptaq in their place the season I played so 32. I ended their entire world of warcraft careers and made Ptaq quit the game and Mirok go on some health care holidays coz he couldnt get what he wanted for first time on his beloved server. I have no future interest in playing here since my mission of kicking out team mirok/ptaq was accomplished with ease.
Regards, Moskito
Moskithotbot wrote:Dont know why mention me. I dont even participate in this freakshow where people doing the most obvious kind of wintrade playing 2 accounts from same pc get rewarded with r1 xd. I did what I had to do so put Mirok n Ptaq in their place the season I played so 32. I ended their entire world of warcraft careers and made Ptaq quit the game and Mirok go on some health care holidays coz he couldnt get what he wanted for first time on his beloved server. I have no future interest in playing here since my mission of kicking out team mirok/ptaq was accomplished with ease.
Regards, Moskito
Actually u were one of these ppl who logs into 2accounts from same pc and get r1, even paradice admited that when u were playing with him @seasson 32 xDD
Well moskito u can lie the people who dont know u or dont have contact with u but ,sometimes guys like me need to say the truth bcz i was 24/7 in ur shitty conv in skype.soo i dont know from where to start i didnt saw any retardness like this,lets be honest in 32 u played vs me and azie most of ur games or u please me to pick some1 to play vs u,u was so proud of ur self that u beat season 32 but who r u lying ask ur self ? u think that ptaq and mirok are ditched by you :D i know this is not the case for sure bcz we all know some mirror video with some of the top warrior in TBC...u was nerding smolderforge 24/7 and ask me to play vs u thats why u won u didnt faced any real team with ur main u dodged the good teams or trying to snipe them as 1500 :D:D u are joke man and u know it,ur racial is to be 2faced man,u are nerd who enjoy to share people photo or talk about their life and comment it..thats bcz u dont have any..u dont have even facebook,ur skype profile picture is in some WC and ur paunch is on focus man... u laugh at people but u are not better than them u are joke btw i regret that i didnt record our convs so people can see how much retarded u are :)And stop talk about me bcz u are not intresting,i just wish u continue do ur primitive work continue dream about going to germany :D:D but i have one advice first u need to move up to town before u start to think about other country bcz right know its looklike the some poor vilige boy want to move out from the sheeps and the cows hahah