Hi all,
We're pushing the end date of season 27 back one week from 5 March to 12 March. The reason for this is because I will be out-of-town and cannot end the season at the set time. Before someone suggests it, yes, it has to be me that ends the season and not a GM since it involves a lot of factors than just determining a list of the winners. Even if they did, no one would be able to reset the teams until I got back.
So apologies if that is inconvenient, but I will be able to end the season when I return the next week.
tl;dr: The season will end 12 March now.
Season 27 end date extended 1 week
Re: Season 27 end date extended 1 week
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Season 27 end date extended 1 week
Game Master - In-Game Support
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