Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Mayore »

[15:23:43][LFG] [Shamany]: fuck
[15:24:33][LFG] [Shamany]: my 450 haste unbuffed will be fucked up fuckkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!

[15:23:43][LFG] [Shamany]: fuck
[15:24:33][LFG] [Shamany]: my 450 haste unbuffed will be fucked up fuckkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!
[15:24:50][LFG] [Bawitdaba]: Thank fuck for that.
[15:24:53][LFG] [Bawitdaba]: m2
[15:25:00][LFG] [Raptureezatt]: good thing that you will stay on 1300 rating though
Posts: 1

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by raph87 »

Can you provide a list of items that will not be available anymore?
Posts: 475

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Discyo »

raph87 wrote:Can you provide a list of items that will not be available anymore?
just log in tomorrow :p
Posts: 38

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Pyrendora »

raph87 wrote:Can you provide a list of items that will not be available anymore?
Pantaloons of Calming Strife, Pantaloons of Growing Strife, Breeches of Natural Aggression, Breeches of Natural Splendor, Starstalker Legguards, Legplates of the Holy Juggernaut, Judicator's Legguards, Band of Lucent Beams, Leggings of Calamity, Felfury Legplates, Felstrength Legplates, Collar of the Pit Lord, Clutch of Demise, Borderlands Fortress Grips, Leggins of the Immortal Night, Leggings of the Immortal Beast, Chain Links of the Tumultuous Storm, Kilt of Spiritual Reconstruction, Brooch of the Highbourne, Shroud of Redeemed Souls, Crimson Paragon's Cover, Amice of the Convoker, Shawl of Wonderment, Shoulderpads of Knowledge's Pursuit, Spaulders of Reclamation, Spaulders of Devastation, Shoulderpads of Vehemence, Demontooth Shoulderpads, Mantle of the Golden Forest, Equilibrium Epaulets, Erupting Epaulets, Pauldrons of Perseverance, Pauldrons of Beserking, Spaulders of the Thalassian Savior, Spaulders of the Thalassian Defender, sin'dorei Pendant of Conquest, Sin'dorei Pendant of Salvation, Sin'dorei Pendant of Triumph, Amulet of Unfettered Magics, Band of Ruinous Delight, Fel Conquerer Raiments, Robes of Faltered Light, Robes of Ghostly Hatred, Sunglow Vest, Utopian Tunic of Elune, Harness of Carnal Instinct, Bladed Chaos Tunic, Shadowed Gauntlets of Paroxysm, Gloves of the Forest Drifter, Garments of Serene Shores, Garments of Crashing Shores, Vicious Hawkstrider Hauberk, Warharness of Reckless Fury, Breastplate of Agony's Aversion, Gauntlets of the Soothed Soul, Heroic Judicator's Chestguard, Noble Judicator's Chestguard, Ring of Hardened Resolve, Ring of Omnipotence, Sin'dorei Band of Dominance, Sin'dorei Band of Salvation, Sin'dorei Band of Triump, Blackened Naaru Sliver, Glimmering Naaru Sliver, Shifting Naaru Sliver, Cloak of Unforgivable Sin, Tattered Cape of Antonidas, Cowl of Light's Purity, Helm of Arcane Purity, Dark Conjuror's Collar, Handguards of the Dawn, Gloves of Tyri's Power, Handguards of Defiled Worlds, Duplicitous Guise, Mask of the Fury Hunter, Cover of Ursol the Wise, Cover of Ursoc the Mighty, Coif of Alleria, Cowl of Gul'dan, Shroud of Chieftain Ner'zhul, Thalassian Ranger Gauntlets, Helm of Burning Righteousness, Helm of Uther's Resolve, Crown of Anasterian, Crown of Dath'Remar, Borderlands Paingrips, Leather Gauntlets of the Sun, Leather Chestguard of the Sun, Fletcher's Gloves of the Pheonix, Embrace of the Pheonix, Gloves of Immortal Dusk, Carapace of Sun and Shadow, Sun-Drenched Scale Gloves, Sun-Drenched Scale Chestguard, Sunfire Handwraps, Sunfire Robe, Hands of Eternal Light, Robe of Eternal Light, Loop of Forged Power, Pendant of Sunfire, Ring of Flowing Life, Amulet of Flowing Life, Hard Khorium Band, Hard Khorium choker, Annihilator Holo-Gogs, Hard Khorium Goggles, Hyper-Magnified Moon Specs, Justicebringer 3000 Specs, Lightning Etched Specs, Mayhem Projection Goggles, Powerheal 9000 Lens, Primal-Attuned Goggles, Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles, Surestrike Goggles v3.0, Wonderheal XT68 Shades, Tranquil Majesty Wraps, Tranquil Moonlight Wraps, Gauntlets of the Ancient Shadowmoon, Gauntlets of the Ancient Frostwolf, Ring of Harmonic Beauty, Sunblessed Gauntlets, Sunblessed Breastplate, Hard Khorium Battlefists, Hard Khorium Battleplate, Thunderheart/Gronnstalker's/Tempest/Lightbringer/Onslaught/Absolution/Slayer's/Skyshatter/Malefic : Bracers and Belt.
?ó?é¼?ôWell if you were a man, I?ó?é¼?äód punch you. Punch you right in the mouth.?ó?é¼?¥ ?ó?é¼?Ç¥ Ron Burgundy
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Vumm »

Good job henhous at new changes finaly !
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Henhouse »

Most of these changes have gone live. Legendary transmog will be released in the near future as we roll out it for arena and non-arena players as we plan it out.

Read the changelog:
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by FalkAlfadas »

The game was unbalanced, no doubt. But the way of changing it makes me feel like an idiot. I am here since... idk... 4 years? I donated 10 chars, geared them for every specc and bought weapons, gear or BOJs for which I needed to donate. In total about 100-200 $. Some items only made sense because of the SWP gear. Like BT trinkets for example. I did it, cause wow is the only game I play, so ~30 $ per year for gaming is not that much. And I was realy happy to finaly have all chars arranged, all the equip for the other speccs was in the bank accounts and I had macros to switch it fast. I compared each item I was wearing with all other items available. It realy took a long time and I loved my account I was maintaining since I came here.
Now all is shit. I dont have the gear anymore, thats 1 point. But I dont have the BOJs, honour points or money back I spent for them. And that is realy sad. I have a real life, I dont have too much time for wow. Thats why it took 4 years to assemble everything. And I have some PvE chars. It was awful to farm BOJs with these. And now again? With even more time needed? I dont think so.
So my idea how to make this: For each item that is gone now give the amount of BOJs / whatever so that one can buy the new "best" without "payment-loss". Getting 100 BOJs when I have chars with 3 PvE speccs is a nasty joke. And what do you suggest how to farm them with PvE chars? Going BGs with a tank warr (I hate to play warr in BGs)? Going dungeons with PvP equiped people? Think it to the end, guys.
BTW: Even some T6 items are gone now. I miss them for example with my pally.

For me its time to leave, atleast for some time to calm down.

CYA says: Falk, Alfadas, Alfordas, Otharos, Kharos, Ramnau, Lotte, Djamila, Barbaros and Peitho.
Last edited by FalkAlfadas on 21 Jul 2014, 17:44, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 475

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Discyo »

FalkAlfadas wrote:The game was unbalanced, no doubt. But the way of changing it makes me feel like an idiot. I am here since... idk... 4 years? I donated 10 chars, geared them for every specc and bought weapons I needed to donate for. In total about 100-200 $. I did it, cause wow is the only game I play, so ~30 $ per year for gaming is not that much. And I was realy happy to finaly have all chars arranged, all the equip for the other speccs was in the bank accounts and I had macros to switch it fast. Each item I was comparing with all other items available. It realy took a long time and I loved my account I was maintaining since I came here.
Now all is shit. I dont have the gear anymore, thats 1 point. But I dont have the BOJs, honour points or money back I spent for them. And that is realy sad. I have a real life, I dont have too much time for wow. Thats why it took 4 years to assemble everything. And I have some PvE chars. It was awful to farm BOJs with these. And now again? With even more time needed? I dont think so.
So my idea how to make this: For each item that is gone now give the amount of BOJs / whatever so that one can buy the new "best" without "payment-loss". Getting 100 BOJs when I have chars with 3 PvE speccs is a nasty joke. And what do you suggest how to farm them with PvE chars? Going BGs with a tank warr (I hate to play warr in BGs)? Going dungeons with PvP equiped people? Think it to the end, guys.
BTW: Even some T6 items are gone now. I miss them for example with my pally.

For me its time to leave, atleast for some time to calm down.

CYA says: Falk, Alfadas, Alfordas, Otharos, Kharos, Ramnau, Lotte, Djamila, Barbaros and Peitho.
Posts: 2058

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Imperium »

FalkAlfadas wrote:The game was unbalanced, no doubt. But the way of changing it makes me feel like an idiot. I am here since... idk... 4 years? I donated 10 chars, geared them for every specc and bought weapons, gear or BOJs for which I needed to donate. In total about 100-200 $. Some items only made sense because of the SWP gear. Like BT trinkets for example. I did it, cause wow is the only game I play, so ~30 $ per year for gaming is not that much. And I was realy happy to finaly have all chars arranged, all the equip for the other speccs was in the bank accounts and I had macros to switch it fast. I compared each item I was wearing with all other items available. It realy took a long time and I loved my account I was maintaining since I came here.
Now all is shit. I dont have the gear anymore, thats 1 point. But I dont have the BOJs, honour points or money back I spent for them. And that is realy sad. I have a real life, I dont have too much time for wow. Thats why it took 4 years to assemble everything. And I have some PvE chars. It was awful to farm BOJs with these. And now again? With even more time needed? I dont think so.
So my idea how to make this: For each item that is gone now give the amount of BOJs / whatever so that one can buy the new "best" without "payment-loss". Getting 100 BOJs when I have chars with 3 PvE speccs is a nasty joke. And what do you suggest how to farm them with PvE chars? Going BGs with a tank warr (I hate to play warr in BGs)? Going dungeons with PvP equiped people? Think it to the end, guys.
BTW: Even some T6 items are gone now. I miss them for example with my pally.

For me its time to leave, atleast for some time to calm down.

CYA says: Falk, Alfadas, Alfordas, Otharos, Kharos, Ramnau, Lotte, Djamila, Barbaros and Peitho.
adios motherfucker

pve on a last-tier raid server which isn't even open

did you honestly raid ZA with SWP gear? the fuck is the point?

at least in arena you can still get a sense of reward
Posts: 971

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Hmmm... There's still plenty of haste here. I don't get what you guys are so mad about. Adapt.

Loving these changes, Henry. <3
(Although not as much as I love all the kids crying about "dood, where's my t6.5/swp gear WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") <--- that's hard to top.

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