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seeulen wrote:Please,just for i minute think about players who farm swp on few chars and they are not playing PvP. What about them, There have to be other way to get rid of swp dressed ppl in PvP.
if you read carefully you would see:
Henhouse wrote: Scarlet Citadel has been adjusted appropriately with Tier 6 gear and will now have a rare chance to drop the Fiery Warhorse mount. All Sunwell weapons will continue to drop here (minus Thori’dal).
All Sunwell WEAPONS will continue to drop here (minus Thori’dal).
Just weapons.
Let's keep gamebreaking PvE gear on PvP server so 20% of PvE players can farm heroics and Zul Aman. Let's keep that gear because that minority of player thinks they can play PvE here, in Smolderforge, where:
Sunwell Plateau - closed and not working
Black Temple - not working
TK - not working
Tell me more how you want to play PvE here. Farming SC? Farming heroics for tabards? You guys even wipe there in your full PvE gear. Let's be honest. You don't even need that gear.
This server shouldn't die just becase we keep PvP broken here so you guys can enjoy gear you shouldn't even have in the first place.
Could You explain me how come it is broken? Also I find Your picture funny, PVP realm means only that entering any contested or enemy territory automatically flags you for PvP combat and you cannot unflag yourself while in these zones, nothing else.
Last edited by Abwyz on 14 Jul 2014, 11:51, edited 1 time in total.
So what was the point of making SC and including swp items in s4 donation ? Should we scratch off pve on this server(talking about not scripted raids) when there is few better PvP servers ?
Bucovsky wrote:Let's keep gamebreaking PvE gear on PvP server so 20% of PvE players can farm heroics and Zul Aman. Let's keep that gear because that minority of player thinks they can play PvE here, in Smolderforge, where:
Sunwell Plateau - closed and not working
Black Temple - not working
TK - not working
Tell me more how you want to play PvE here. Farming SC? Farming heroics for tabards? You guys even wipe there in your full PvE gear. Let's be honest. You don't even need that gear.
This server shouldn't die just becase we keep PvP broken here so you guys can enjoy gear you shouldn't even have in the first place.
PvP is not broken, for 8th time, not having 3v3 and 5v5 brackets open on a "PvP realm" is just wrong.
Henhouse wrote: Scarlet Citadel has been adjusted appropriately with Tier 6 gear.
seeulen wrote: All Sunwell WEAPONS will continue to drop here (minus Thori’dal).
Just weapons.
If i understand corretly what Henhouse said it means that SC will still drop THE HIGhEST LEVEL ITEM GEAR AVAILABLE ON THE SERVER. So where is your problem? Can't deal with getting stats lowered?
Last edited by Mayore on 14 Jul 2014, 17:16, edited 1 time in total.
Henhouse wrote: Scarlet Citadel has been adjusted appropriately with Tier 6 gear.
All Sunwell WEAPONS will continue to drop here (minus Thori’dal).
Just weapons.[/quote]
If i understand corretly what Henhouse said it means that SC will still drop THE HIGhEST LEVEL ITEM GEAR AVAILABLE ON THE SERVER. So where is your problem? Can't deal with getting stats lowered?[/quote]
The problem is we spent time getting bis gear, expecting 25 mans to be scripted and fun. They basically are stealing our gear. And the admins are pretty much telling to PvE orientated players to get the fuck out of their realm...
seeulen wrote:So what was the point of making SC and including swp items in s4 donation ? Should we scratch off pve on this server(talking about not scripted raids) when there is few better PvP servers ?
name one which isn't closed and wont be soon? Actually dont cause it will be advertising, but really there isn't one.
3v3 was obviously open before, Hen didn't make the server and say ok I'll make this serv without 3v3 so that it wont be balanced. It simply didnt work out since the population is low and you cant have active 3v3 on smolderforge. And if you cant have active 3v3 it's better off closed, because otherwise top10 becomes all wintrade teams->there are no rewards for 3v3->only extra work for the team.