Would you rather have it so people start with DEADLY instead of furious, like in Pineapple? :) THAT was a big gear gap back then. This one is still a quite large, but needed. Having furious as the starting set you will have a honor set and an arena set, which is somewhat logical.Scoop wrote: and don't tell me NO, because i have gotten full wrath before and yes, i steamroll ANY furious players I see regardless how skilled they were.. I have seen / played it 1ST person.
In an ideal world, wrathful being available only through arena would be pretty nice. But in reality... Meh. A player that is good enough to get the whole set will not only have his skill and knowledge as an advantage, but now the gear aswell. This would create even a BIGGER gap for the average joe playing, because he won't ever be able to get even CLOSE to the person in Wrathful because that person has both better gear AND knowledge of PvP. This way, even the so called 'average joe' will have a chance of getting the gear to limit the gap if he wishes (please note, this is a FUNSERVER and not a dedicated arena server, so we must not only focus on arena population).
Bad player in wrathful gear is still a bad player, don't forget that. Yes, his gear gives him a small edge, but you should have no real problem beating wrathful "not-so-good" players even if you're in relentless yourself.