Pre-BC Vote & Tournament

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Poll: PreBC alone, or with a tournament 3v3 first?

Yes, 3v3 Tournament before Pre-BC server opens
No, go to Pre-BC as soon as you can.
Total votes: 26

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Pre-BC Vote & Tournament

Post by Henhouse »

Alright everyone, as you might have noticed Pre-BC won in the poll so that's the realm we'll start working on when we have the time. But I believe the Option 3 confused many people with all the combining of votes, etc, etc. So I decided it would be best to just open a separate poll to see the feedback from everyone on this.

Note: This topic is not to discuss the outcome of the previous poll.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 31

Re: Pre-BC Vote & Tournament

Post by gianni »

i'm having a question about the 3v3 tournament. (if there will be one)
will it be on a new server or on smolderforge itself?
because if u wanna use a hunter the pet might not be lvl6 loyalty etc...
and would like to ask if its possible to add desperate prayer as preist racial. in pre wotlk dwarf and human had it...
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Posts: 7855
Location: Sweden

Re: Pre-BC Vote & Tournament

Post by Henhouse »

gianni wrote:i'm having a question about the 3v3 tournament. (if there will be one)
will it be on a new server or on smolderforge itself?
because if u wanna use a hunter the pet might not be lvl6 loyalty etc...
and would like to ask if its possible to add desperate prayer as preist racial. in pre wotlk dwarf and human had it...
It will be on the new realm. That's why we can do it and not have to close Smolderforge, they will both appear in the realm list.

As for the racial, anything missing can be submitted for review in our Suggestions forum.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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