When is this poll closing anyway?
I just wanna know when I should be getting ready for some work when we put up whatever server wins.
Poll: Possible New Realm
Re: Poll: Possible New Realm
Administrator - Forum Lurker / Heavyweight World Champ
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Re: Poll: Possible New Realm
Pre-BC has been keeping a steady lead since this thing opened so it's pretty obvious which one has won. I'll keep it up for a little longer I suppose. Or close it tonight.Riski wrote:When is this poll closing anyway?
I just wanna know when I should be getting ready for some work when we put up whatever server wins.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Poll: Possible New Realm
Reading from the vote standings right now, would you open the 3v3 tourny realm?
Re: Poll: Possible New Realm
Well I think people were really confused by that so there will be another poll after the decision in this one.Mehh wrote:Reading from the vote standings right now, would you open the 3v3 tourny realm?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Poll: Possible New Realm
Henhouse wrote:Updates are bad, the cause database problems and more things to become bugged. Also Wrath is updated because they are trying to fix things, not really implement anything. Less people were playing when we went to 3.0.3. We announced we were doing it about 2 weeks before we did. The max people on was 24, as soon as we went back it was back to 105 people maxed again. Custom raids are important because the wrath ones will not work leading to much harder ways to get gear without them. Less bugs, not true and will probably never be true due to constant updates. Better graphics is also not true, the game has been improved in graphics and your FPS will go down in areas like that. Which is the main reason we have our mall in South Seas, and not somewhere like Shattrath.Deems wrote:Option 2.
Theres some pros and cons. I know.
- More core updates because wotlk is the most updated one
- More players due to not many people kept 2.4.3
- No custom raids (wohoo less lag)
- LESS BUGS (read pro nr.1)
- Allows people to play with better graphics x) (shadows <3)
- DKs
- Lack of PVP and PVE items to allow access to normal people / donors. (e.g. now there is 4 seasons, whereas wotlk has 2 (season 6 starting at 3.1.0)
Thats pretty much it.
Though, it would create alot of Q.Q like "omg wotlk pvp suxxx" etc, but trust me, its NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU JUST HAVE RESILIENCE. Most people who QQ about the pvp never had above 400 resi in wotlk so dont know a SHIT about it. Its NOT as unbalanced as nubs make it sound like.
The updates seem pretty good to me. On other servers, raids are being populated at the momment. People will understand the bugs once they get used to them and with the constant updates they may even go away before people get used to them. I think that a test realm would be useful to test people's opinion. Like i said before a lot of updates have been done since the last time Smolderforge was wrath.
Uhh ..
Guild Leader of Ace Squad and SCREAMO
-Too Long-
Guild Leader of Ace Squad and SCREAMO
-Too Long-
Re: Poll: Possible New Realm
Thank you for everyone who participated in this poll.
Please remember to also vote here for a tournament also: http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... 3918#p3918
Please remember to also vote here for a tournament also: http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... 3918#p3918
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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