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Smolderforge Server Updates 3.6 (Recently we suffered an error on our forums that sent us back 10 days. We lost the original copy, this is the best I can make of what it used to be. It also includes new updates so I made it 3.6a.)
Switched over to Unified Database.
Smolderforge Arena Season 5 has begun.
Players now start with gold in their bags. Bye-bye gold vendors!
Players have all flight paths learned on login.-(Faction flight paths only).
Players have max skills at all times now. Bye-bye .maxskill!
The mall has been cleaned up of low level items and we removed all reputation requirements and Master Hammersmith requirements.
Paladin's base mana has been increased by 1,000.
Druid's base mana lowered by 220.
A Season 3 vendor has been added to the donor mall!
A First Aid trainer has been added to the mall.
Lots of NPCs have added gossip to them.
Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina has class requirement removed.
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury added to donor mall.
Arena team deleting while in battle has been fixed!
Warglaives removed from players.
Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain even added to the mall, will occur every 5 hours near the battlemasters.
"Welcome to Smolderforge!" NPC cleaned up a bit. (Gossip added, subname deleted and quest changed to be more up-to-date.)
Abit offtopic but i just wanted to ask.
Why did you add Apolyon The Soul Render,wich is 8 dps above the s4 2h sword to donor mall and yet didnt add Hand Of Deceiver wich is also 8 dps above the s4 Fist weapon,i get that glaives were overpowered,yes the haste proc put you up to an amazing dps (much high then 115 dps)i didn't use them anyway.
So why not add Hand Of Deceiver?Its a slight edge over the s4 weapon,but since it has 2 sockets you get to pick what stats you want to roll for,lacking abit AP? gem it with AP,lacking abit Crit Strike Raiting,gem with that.Just my two cents.
Crestfallen wrote:Abit offtopic but i just wanted to ask.
Why did you add Apolyon The Soul Render,wich is 8 dps above the s4 2h sword to donor mall and yet didnt add Hand Of Deceiver wich is also 8 dps above the s4 Fist weapon,i get that glaives were overpowered,yes the haste proc put you up to an amazing dps (much high then 115 dps)i didn't use them anyway.
So why not add Hand Of Deceiver?Its a slight edge over the s4 weapon,but since it has 2 sockets you get to pick what stats you want to roll for,lacking abit AP? gem it with AP,lacking abit Crit Strike Raiting,gem with that.Just my two cents.
I never added Apolyon, The Soul Render.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Crestfallen wrote:Abit offtopic but i just wanted to ask.
Why did you add Apolyon The Soul Render,wich is 8 dps above the s4 2h sword to donor mall and yet didnt add Hand Of Deceiver wich is also 8 dps above the s4 Fist weapon,i get that glaives were overpowered,yes the haste proc put you up to an amazing dps (much high then 115 dps)i didn't use them anyway.
So why not add Hand Of Deceiver?Its a slight edge over the s4 weapon,but since it has 2 sockets you get to pick what stats you want to roll for,lacking abit AP? gem it with AP,lacking abit Crit Strike Raiting,gem with that.Just my two cents.
Good points..ill talk to henhouse.
Retired Game Master.
Current Daily Status: Forum Trolling