New Moderator: Toast
New Moderator: Toast
Hello Smolderforge I am Toast,
I previously GM'ed on Pineapple-WoW and have re-applied to what will now be Smolderforge Wrath and I am looking forward to being here.
I previously GM'ed on Pineapple-WoW and have re-applied to what will now be Smolderforge Wrath and I am looking forward to being here.
Retired Game Master
Re: New moderator: Toast (Wrath only)
I'm Glad you got accepted toast, congratz!
Palasit LVL 80 Horde pally.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
Past the waves of the ocean. We will reach the night before day sets in the sky. Just wait, for life will set you free on the world. Once your set free, live.
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