Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

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Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

Post by Henhouse »

We apologize for the late notice, but as I'm about to go on vacation at the beach we need to get this out of the way in order to get PvP titles ready and the gear revamp.

Is this a character wipe? NO!

We are NOT wiping characters, this is a prune which is removing inactive accounts and character's older than 8 months. In a way it's a wipe, but not really. If you haven't been inactive for 8 months, then we're sorry.

Why is this necessary? Well when you have over 340,000 characters that have a couple hundred spells per character, quest statuses, loads of items, etc that makes up several MILLION entries in our database and we cannot continue to perform maintenance and wait 50 minutes while characters copy. With this prune this will massively reduce character copy time and work we have to do in the future.

If you know you're account is 8 months inactive and you CANNOT login, PM me and I will make sure your account is safe before the prune.

The last prune took place November 22nd, 2009. Which was also an 8-month prune. This one will take place June 18th, 2010, the date in which it will wipe back to is November 18th and below for inactive people.

If you have logged in ANYWHERE between November 18th, 2009 and now, you're perfectly safe.
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Re: Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

Post by Henhouse »

Has been finished, thank you for your patience during the 2 hour downtime.
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Re: Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

Post by cozmin13 »

Hy Henhouse ^^

When we can create characters again? I wanna try another class, but i can't :( :-"
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Re: Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

Post by Sailown234 »

how much does this help now?
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Re: Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

Post by Henhouse »

sailown234 wrote:how much does this help now?
I don't know until next time I work on characters.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Character Prune -- 8 Months Inactive

Post by Imperium »

Did I die?

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