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new char bug and donate

Posted: 09 May 2015, 12:01
by nekrakin
I created new char and I can't equip him nor can chat (says You can't speak this language).
Im use donate key now i delete this char an create new but now work but lost my key
name char ofcino

srry for my English :)

Re: new char bug and donate

Posted: 09 May 2015, 18:14
by Henhouse
nekrakin wrote:I created new char and I can't equip him nor can chat (says You can't speak this language).
Im use donate key now i delete this char an create new but now work but lost my key
name char ofcino

srry for my English :)
I will have to reactivate that key. Please email send me a PM with the code you used and I will reactivate it.