Ban appeal

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Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Wamboye »

Keas wrote: Something unusual, something huge and unfriendly
You are very cool, knowing how to spawn npcs and all. Did Henry teach you or did you learn it by yourself? You should write about it in your curriculum vitae because I'm sure it's the biggest achievement of your life.

But you should stick to harrasing famous people in their ban appeal topic who got banned for 1 month for violating some non written never spoken, not to say non existing rules for the first time and then close forum topics. Your "intelligence" really comes to a good use there. I mean it's completely legit and very friendly to tell me I'm "crying" when I try to get justice for some underaged gamemasters' actions.

You are a very cool kid I would like to be friends with you.
Last edited by Wamboye on 11 Jul 2014, 16:39, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1276

Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Balls »

You are a conceited ass. Also you're not famous. You're known to an extent, because you act up. There's a fundamental difference.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Wamboye »

Balls wrote:You are a conceited ass. Also you're not famous. You're known to an extent, because you act up. There's a fundamental difference.
Only a kid like you cares about the definition of "fame" on smolderforge.

I was just making a point son, keep walking.

People know me because of my humor and because I'm a sexy cow, wheter that's fame or not is a question for people who don't lift.
Posts: 1276

Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Balls »

You weren't making a point; your post was just you badmouthing to a GM because of personal beef. All in all, what it contains is you being your typical narcissistic self. If that's the point you wanted to bring across, gotcha. Good job.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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Ban appeal

Post by Wamboye »

Balls wrote: If that's the point you wanted to bring across, gotcha. Good job.
Why should I decline some nice personal beef since I play cow.

He bullys my topic so I do the same. He's a Gamemaster so I have every right to learn from him.

Overall I'm just trying to make friends just look at the last line.

Cow king wrote:You are very cool, knowing how to spawn npcs and all. Did Henry teach you or did you learn it by yourself? You should write about it in your curriculum vitae because I'm sure it's the biggest achievement of your life.

But you should stick to harrasing famous people in their ban appeal topic who got banned for 1 month for violating some non written never spoken, not to say non existing rules for the first time and then close forum topics. Your "intelligence" really comes to a good use there. I mean it's completely legit and very friendly to tell me I'm "crying" when I try to get justice for some underaged gamemasters' actions.

You are a very cool kid I would like to be friends with you.
Last edited by Wamboye on 11 Jul 2014, 16:55, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 24

Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Anneloes »

Balls wrote:You weren't making a point; your post was just you badmouthing to a GM because of personal beef. All in all, what it contains is you being your typical narcissistic self. If that's the point you wanted to bring across, gotcha. Good job.
U are just another kid whos flaming around. so shut ur balls.
Posts: 1276

Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Balls »

Wamboye wrote:Overall I'm just trying to make friends just look at the last line.
Glad to have that cleared up then!
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Keas »

Wamboye wrote:You are very cool, knowing how to spawn npcs and all. Did Henry teach you or did you learn it by yourself? You should write about it in your curriculum vitae because I'm sure it's the biggest achievement of your life.
Being a Game Master is something voluntary to help a community, it's not a work nor an achievement. Meaning that I'm trying to help here, while you're making things worse. Anyway, I'm pretty much sure that I'm not the one coming and wasting my time whining about the consequences of my intolerable actions.
Wamboye wrote:But you should stick to harrasing famous people in their ban appeal
I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? I just cannot stand your lying nor your abuses. Everyone in the event knows that I've spoken the rules, also I let them know in every single event.

I just replied for what I think is worth replying to.
Retired Game Master.
Posts: 24

Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Anneloes »

The more popularity u have, the bigger chance u will get banned. Because some of them had nothing to do but to waiting for an action. I bet some of them can't even speak english very well to post anything on the forum.
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: World Bosses invasion!

Post by Wamboye »

Keas wrote: I just cannot stand your lying nor your abuses. Everyone in the event knows that I've spoken the rules, also I let them know in every single event.

I'm sorry did you just went full retard? Me lying, and you spoken the rules? Wow.

Okay then very nice gamemaster, very professional.

It's not like you never "SPOKEN" the rules and even if you did it's still not a legit reason to ban a regular for 1 month.

Well like I said you are a very cool kid you should open a guild like <I very intelligence full retard only weekends> or something. I would totally join since I know that would be an authentic guild if you created it.

Very cool gamemaster kids we could use more cool gamemaster kids like you so please tell us at which third world hole you spawned.

-on the real, your statements make me want to fight you IRL so just come at me 60316 sandweg I'm here son

or just quit talking garbage and quit justifying yourself with lies and be a legitimate gamemaster for once, ... just ... for once? ok? FOR ONCE BRO? OK?

...this server.
Last edited by Wamboye on 12 Jul 2014, 07:25, edited 1 time in total.

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