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Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 14:42
by kunngen
Balls go suck what ur good at kid.

i see nothing but rude remarks from you to all tickets here.

you are a sad loser in real life and i would take the pleasure in teaching someone like you a lesson if they had the balls to talk like that face to face but you don't. you're just a pussy gamer that no one cares about like countless others I can name here.

to gms, you ban me for typing a few bad sentences to a player and call it harrassement yet you let your little friends rage as much as they wan't on forums?

trust me i'll have this server investigated by blizzard this week. you all deserve it sadly. I've written a very nice long and detailed letter here (nothing to do with me really) about why they should look into this server.

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 14:46
by Dntryme
kunngen wrote:trust me i'll have this server investigated by blizzard this week. you all deserve it sadly. I've written a very nice long and detailed letter here (nothing to do with me really) about why they should look into this server.

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 14:53
by Nazarleokas
Easy mate. Ur not the only one who get banned. Take a break isn't a bad thing.

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 14:59
by kunngen
Its not really a thing to do with a break though I definitely agree a break>playing rpg online and getting treated like shit.

It has something to do with privacy and respect and not upholding blizzards terms of service and rules.

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 14:59
by Bucovsky
kunngen wrote:trust me i'll have this server investigated by blizzard this week. you all deserve it sadly. I've written a very nice long and detailed letter here (nothing to do with me really) about why they should look into this server.
Why not FBI?

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:00
by Balls
top lel

you have some anger issues that i'd get checked if i were you

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:01
by kunngen
get checked? haha no anger just a person that is responding to another person, you, who happens to be a piece of trash that needs to be told what he is.

lawl ur still on the forum ffs? get a life bud. i come here like once every 3 months

im out

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:02
by kunngen
Why would the FBI care?

you make no sense yet you're a VIP.

have a good Friday jerking ur friends off via forum.

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:03
by Balls
my only purpose in life is writing replies like this to people like you on these forums

Re: Post

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:04
by kunngen
haha i was gonna say, despite your shit attitude and personality, it is kinda nice having some tard to post replies instantly.