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Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 01:46
by evilfrosts
Hello everybody, so this topic is about druid, that wintraders, because i play arena every day from 12 am , to 3 or 4 am straight, I never see this druid playing against anybody or against me, but 2 days ago i saw him and his friends in durotar talking, and they instantly dissapeared together, they were 5 or 4 of them im not sure, but they all dissapeared together and + he kept insulting thats weird.,,, Thank you.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 02:04
by Gem
Jesus, I'm an American and that's so fucking ignorant to say "Go die in a school shooting" like we can control it.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 03:05
by Cube
Not wintrading.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 08:37
by Firstaidkit
He's not a wintrader.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 08:55
by Henhouse
This isn't wintrading, he's a Merciless Gladiator so clearly he's been high rated in the past. How did you "see" him wintrading as you mentioned in the screenshots?
Gem wrote:Jesus, I'm an American and that's so fucking ignorant to say "Go die in a school shooting" like we can control it.
I agree, that was extremely uncalled for. I understand he was annoyed by this guy, but to say that was incredibly insensitive and offensive.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 17:52
by Exsurgo
It is not uncommon for friends to meet up and organise games together. It seems the two teams had decided to play 2s at that time and they were probably at the higher ratings and hence being matched together. I would imagine that each team was playing to win and hence not win-trading.
With the limited number of people in 2s, such organisation becomes important to get games at the higher brackets.
On the second note that was a pretty outrageous and insensitive rebuttal.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 20:49
by evilfrosts
The thing that sparked my suspection is that I have never seen them in arena and most of the time I play, but I always see them in durotar dueling or talking or doing whatever, as i mentioned, I saw him and guessing his friends talking in some different language i couldn't really understand, they instantly dissapeared together, and obviously they were playing arena, after they got out his friends team which were opponent im guessing had bad rating like 1482 or something, thats why i thought they were wintrading. Thanks
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 08 Feb 2013, 13:18
by Amgseret
Gem wrote:Jesus, I'm an American and that's so fucking ignorant to say "Go die in a school shooting" like we can control it.
LOL, thats probably the only funny thing I ever saw from Mallory , ever.
+"The thing that sparked my suspection is that I have never seen them in arena "
Great reason to report somebody.
Re: Wintrader
Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 23:37
by Mallory
What i said about the shootings, yes it was realy stupid to say such a thing.. But this dude pissed me off realy. if you guys saw what he was writing to me, over and over again, for no accual reason you´d understand my rage. He was saying things i´ve never seen anyone in this game say and i´ve played since vanilla.. He´s a psychopath irl.
To the fact that he wants to call me a wintrader makes me laugh realy, arena here is so easy.. whoever that needs to wintrade here should stop playing wow. I´ve had 138-0 the season i got Mglad, noone thought i was a wintrader then and there´s no reason too cus honestly wintrading is silly as fuck, i hate ppl that does it and i dont see any point in playing this game/arena if u do it.
That´s all from me, have fun.
Peace /Mallory-Itsdanzin