Make A "How to" guide

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Make A "How to" guide

Post by Drowns »

Hey, I downloaded Smolderforge today. and it gets stuck at "authenticating".. seen a lot of threads with the same problem, but no really good answear for the problem.. so i've been wondering why they didnt make a tutorial so far.. I think you should make one!
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Re: Make A "How to" guide

Post by QuantumVoid »

Open your WoW installation folder.
Search for a file named "".
Erase its contents fully and write the following "set realmlist" (without quotes). Afterwards, save the file under the same name.
Make sure you launch the game via the .exe file called "Wow" and NOT the one called "Launcher". If you can not see "Launcher", you have obviously DL'd the pre-installed version, and you can find that file in a folder marked "Do not use".

If any of this hasn't worked, it's likely (?) that something went wrong during installation. Re-install and when you're done patching everything manually, DO NOT LET the launcher to attempt to auto-update. Close the updater window as soon as it opens.

If you're using the pre-installed version, you shouldn't have any problems imo.
If you're using the normal one, the most common mistake is that people tend to just open the default desktop shortcut immediately after they're done patching, which fucks it up because it's that nasty "Launcher" app.

PS: Bad English tech terminology. Like a motherfucking sir.
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Re: Make A "How to" guide

Post by Vord »

QuantumVoid wrote:Open your WoW installation folder.
Search for a file named "".
Erase its contents fully and write the following "set realmlist" (without quotes). Afterwards, save the file under the same name.
Make sure you launch the game via the .exe file called "Wow" and NOT the one called "Launcher". If you can not see "Launcher", you have obviously DL'd the pre-installed version, and you can find that file in a folder marked "Do not use".

If any of this hasn't worked, it's likely (?) that something went wrong during installation. Re-install and when you're done patching everything manually, DO NOT LET the launcher to attempt to auto-update. Close the updater window as soon as it opens.

If you're using the pre-installed version, you shouldn't have any problems imo.
If you're using the normal one, the most common mistake is that people tend to just open the default desktop shortcut immediately after they're done patching, which fucks it up because it's that nasty "Launcher" app.

PS: Bad English tech terminology. Like a motherfucking sir.
Good guide... Only thing might confuse players is: To edit the file you need to right click it and open with notepad. That way you should be able to edit it.
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Re: Make A "How to" guide

Post by Xaru »

You guys should add a sticky guide already. It would increase the population and reduce these types of threads.
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