Ive kept ticket up last 2 weeks and for some reason it had never been answered, could have been bugged with some disconnect who knows.
1st: is it possible to replace Whistle of Ivory Raptor(rare mount) with something that i can actually use, im Tauren and taurens cant use the Ivory Raptor, I got the mount last year Xmas, and i was hoping year later i can change it to some other rare mount that i can use.. *dreaming*
2nd: no hating or anything, but new pvp area doesent work, only problem that both Azshara and Hyjal pvp zones had was that it was TELEPORT inyo face without free access; simple fix is to just add custom quests Around Auchindoun or Easterplague lands; Light chapel and thats it all you have to do is to add quests, traveling and running around with mount is the best part of World pvp, this teleport way of making custom areas is basically 95% samestuff as GY camping in WSG, boring as fuk..
3rd: About transmog and how you will add it; Im worried that people like me, who has spent last +3months farming items and stuff to transmog, spended +400 vote points to get badges to get transmog stuff, done +500 runs to instances in hope for something to drop.. and if you are going to add some transmog vendor to sell stuff that can be farmed in normal way will be like slap on our face..
3,5; it would be awesome if Blackwing Lair, would be fixed to the point that you can enter the instance becouse when Transmog will hit the server there is stuff to be farmed and BWL alone is hard enough instance that need 2 tank, 2-3 healers and handfull of ranged/melee dps.
3,75; Naxx items to somewhere to be raided for? additional loot to BWL/Onyxia?
4th: Will legendary items be able to transmoged? (ie; Brutal Gladiator's Slicer => Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker)
Thanks for the time Henhouse with everything.
E; Forgot to mention that, 10.11.2012 i spended 10 vote points on 10 Badges, and the mail never came, i also used 2x 18 vote points for 20 Badges at the same time and those did got mailed correctly
E2; Will transmog support only SETS, or can i transmog invidual gear pieces, (ie; Hogger drops cool looking shoulders; Random murloc drops cool looking BoE helm, wich is good match to the shoulders but those arent part of ANY set already)
GM Ticket turned into Forum post
Re: GM Ticket turned into Forum post
1. I was supposed to add Taurens to the list and allow them. This has been fixed and will be available next restart. You may have to clear your cache to see the change take effect.
2. Your "simple fix" to add quests to have people walk around the PvP zone is exactly what we did in Azshara. We could remove the portals, but I think many players forget about their hearth, or do not realize .start is an alternative hearth when it is on cooldown.
3. I only plan on maybe adding available sets for HWL/GM gear that wouldn't be obtainable any other way in 2.4.3. Still haven't even begun to plan its implementation yet.
4. Legendaries are not possible to transmog on retail, and sadly there will not be here either. Transmog will support individual items.
2. Your "simple fix" to add quests to have people walk around the PvP zone is exactly what we did in Azshara. We could remove the portals, but I think many players forget about their hearth, or do not realize .start is an alternative hearth when it is on cooldown.
3. I only plan on maybe adding available sets for HWL/GM gear that wouldn't be obtainable any other way in 2.4.3. Still haven't even begun to plan its implementation yet.
4. Legendaries are not possible to transmog on retail, and sadly there will not be here either. Transmog will support individual items.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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