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Issues Connecting

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 21:41
by coDeRed19
I'm having issues connecting to the server. When I go to log in it says disconnected before it even gets to the character screen. I'm not new to private servers in general and I have the Realmlist correct and everything. Just wondering if anyone was having the same issue and fixed it.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Issues Connecting

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 22:45
by Killmefoo
Does it happen everytime you log in, or just sometimes?

Re: Issues Connecting

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 22:57
by coDeRed19
I've never logged onto this server, I'm new to it. But I've never had the problem on other servers, but yes it's every time I attempt to log in.

Re: Issues Connecting

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 23:46
by Killmefoo
Have you tried deleting your cache folder, restartig the computer/the wow client?
And is today the first day you try?

Re: Issues Connecting

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 00:58
by coDeRed19
Yeah I've tried all of that, and yes today is the first day I've even tried connecting to the server.