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Problems whit guild bank.

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 01:50
by SheLexa
We at PvP Perfect are having problems whit the gbank, the GM gave a rank full acess, and for some people it works fine, but some other people like me whitch are the same rank is not working, when i open the gbank it says i have full acess, but i cant move anything to my bags or deposit.

Re: Problems whit guild bank.

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 18:29
by Mynce
if you get promoted to that rank you need to relog first.
if this problem still continues be sure to do the obvious steps first
like clearin cache etc.
if the problem still persists after that the give a shout.

Re: Problems whit guild bank.

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 12:46
by Killmefoo
Or you can try giving the players another rank, or re-creating the rank of which you speak :)

Re: Problems whit guild bank.

Posted: 30 Aug 2012, 10:58
by SheLexa
I figured out the problem, it takes one day after your promotion to work, because for some strange reason/bug when you get promoted you automaticaly have no stacks left to pickup from gBank