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Clearly not photoshop, look at the arrow in the top picture, it says the log is capable of going down and in the bottom picture it shows the full bottom of the log.
i already reported that there is a "pot bug" to where if you spam click the potions really fast you can use like 2-4 pots instead of 1. He clearly probably did this..
Idk about u fellers but i tend to spam click when im about to die or need to use somthing right when the gcd finishes. like my death pact i gotta spam atelast 5 times if i use it right after i summon ghoul, x10 more if im about to die. problem isn't with players abusing pots its that the pots are broken, whether u mean to or not ur probably abusing pots if u play like me. this thread was obviously made just to get someone in trouble. make a thread sayin pots are being spammed here's proof /linkphoto not qq he healed with pot bug plox fix qq. chances are you've done it to.
maydiez, The issue here isnt with the pot abusing its about how you hate me so badly and lose every time so in pay back you decide to go on forums and try to get me banned or somthing idc tbh but like srysly tho? @ least try to talk to me about it if its "Bugging you so badly" and your QQing about it to every1
if you have actualy tried taking the time and asking me to stop doing it then i will. but the fact is that you took this on my back after we had that convo with whiteblood like lol. now rly thats called being a coward and a pussy.