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Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 05 May 2012, 19:34
by Abwyz
I am playing on Smolderforge for more than one year, I used to like this sever and would like to point some things which, in my opinion, requires fixing. As I am a PVE player, those things will mostly affect PVE content, however I hope some PVP players won't write rubbish posts like "omg it is pvp server gtfo", I am expecting conversation on a high level as well as a response from Henhouse, thanks in advance.

1. Donor's Mall

1.1. Honor on PVE items

The thing that I cannot understand is why items designed for PVE are purchasable with honor, for me, it doesn't make any sense, because as a PVE player why should I spend time doing BGs for gear which I need for PVE content.

Possible solution: I understand that donate price is quite low (5$) and some sort of extra payment for SWP gear should be, but may it be badges of justice, not honor.

1.2. KJ weapons in donor's mall

Sunflare and Apolyon are still available for honor in donor's mall, however, as far as I know, KJ weapons were meant to be available after extra donate.

Possible solution: Remove them from vendor or add all KJ weapons for high badge prices to it.

2. Glaives of Azzinoth

I can't see a reason why you can't donate for Glaives, they aren't more overpowered as a legendary item than Thoridal, also their dps isn't very superior to KJ fist+Twins fist for rogues and other melee classes, actually dps difference isn't higher than 50-80 dps.

Possible solution: Obvious, add them as a weapons to donate for, prices like 10$ per Glaive would be ok.

3. ZA bear

Some time ago it was possible to get Amani War Bear from ZA timed run, however it was removed. I understand that Amani War Bear is available from donate, but why not readd it to ZA as well? It could make some more players interrested in PVE content. The only problem I see is that you can reset ZA infinitely times a day, and some experienced PVE players may abuse it to get army of bears in one day.

Possible solution: Make ZA reset once a 3 days and readd bear as a reward for opening 4th chest in time.

4. SWP

Many people were enjoying SWP trash runs in which they had a chance of getting epic craftable items, however due to some people exploiting Twins and getting "free lewt" it was closed.

Possible solution: I understand that chances of someone killing scripted boss in SWP are very small and scripting fights like Kalecgos is very hard job, but why not to reopen SWP without bosses in it, just with trash and their retail drops.

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 06 May 2012, 21:54
by Mynce
Abwyz wrote: 1. Donor's Mall

1.1. Honor on PVE items

The thing that I cannot understand is why items designed for PVE are purchasable with honor, for me, it doesn't make any sense, because as a PVE player why should I spend time doing BGs for gear which I need for PVE content.

Possible solution: I understand that donate price is quite low (5$) and some sort of extra payment for SWP gear should be, but may it be badges of justice, not honor.
Sounds reasonable
Abwyz wrote: 2. Glaives of Azzinoth

I can't see a reason why you can't donate for Glaives, they aren't more overpowered as a legendary item than Thoridal, also their dps isn't very superior to KJ fist+Twins fist for rogues and other melee classes, actually dps difference isn't higher than 50-80 dps.

Possible solution: Obvious, add them as a weapons to donate for, prices like 10$ per Glaive would be ok.
Weapon proc is the thing that makes it op.
haste buff + haste pot + s4 rogue. do the math.
Abwyz wrote: 3. ZA bear

Some time ago it was possible to get Amani War Bear from ZA timed run, however it was removed. I understand that Amani War Bear is available from donate, but why not readd it to ZA as well? It could make some more players interrested in PVE content. The only problem I see is that you can reset ZA infinitely times a day, and some experienced PVE players may abuse it to get army of bears in one day.

Possible solution: Make ZA reset once a 3 days and readd bear as a reward for opening 4th chest in time.
i wasnt ment to drop you guys just got lucky.
Abwyz wrote: 4. SWP

Many people were enjoying SWP trash runs in which they had a chance of getting epic craftable items, however due to some people exploiting Twins and getting "free lewt" it was closed.

Possible solution: I understand that chances of someone killing scripted boss in SWP are very small and scripting fights like Kalecgos is very hard job, but why not to reopen SWP without bosses in it, just with trash and their retail drops.
no, just no this has been stated in multiple topics. Clear BT first.

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 06 May 2012, 23:31
by Pallyofhell
Mynce wrote:
Abwyz wrote: 1. Donor's Mall

1.1. Honor on PVE items

The thing that I cannot understand is why items designed for PVE are purchasable with honor, for me, it doesn't make any sense, because as a PVE player why should I spend time doing BGs for gear which I need for PVE content.

Possible solution: I understand that donate price is quite low (5$) and some sort of extra payment for SWP gear should be, but may it be badges of justice, not honor.
Sounds reasonable
Abwyz wrote: 2. Glaives of Azzinoth

I can't see a reason why you can't donate for Glaives, they aren't more overpowered as a legendary item than Thoridal, also their dps isn't very superior to KJ fist+Twins fist for rogues and other melee classes, actually dps difference isn't higher than 50-80 dps.

Possible solution: Obvious, add them as a weapons to donate for, prices like 10$ per Glaive would be ok.
Weapon proc is the thing that makes it op.
haste buff + haste pot + s4 rogue. do the math.
Abwyz wrote: 3. ZA bear

Some time ago it was possible to get Amani War Bear from ZA timed run, however it was removed. I understand that Amani War Bear is available from donate, but why not readd it to ZA as well? It could make some more players interrested in PVE content. The only problem I see is that you can reset ZA infinitely times a day, and some experienced PVE players may abuse it to get army of bears in one day.

Possible solution: Make ZA reset once a 3 days and readd bear as a reward for opening 4th chest in time.
i wasnt ment to drop you guys just got lucky.
Abwyz wrote: 4. SWP

Many people were enjoying SWP trash runs in which they had a chance of getting epic craftable items, however due to some people exploiting Twins and getting "free lewt" it was closed.

Possible solution: I understand that chances of someone killing scripted boss in SWP are very small and scripting fights like Kalecgos is very hard job, but why not to reopen SWP without bosses in it, just with trash and their retail drops.
no, just no this has been stated in multiple topics. Clear BT first.
applez you forgot sword spec proc

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 00:58
by Henhouse
1.1: Because honor is the universal currency. You can convert badges to honor points, and you can obtain honor. So they all go to the same place -- honor. Before when people voted they would obtain too many Badges of Justice and complain they had no use for them. So when we implemented converting I priced more things with honor because you can convert to get there. If I had it badges, all the people in the donor mall who are there for PvP (95%) would complain they are there for badges and not honor.

1.2: The SWP vendor has never been complete, ever. But that's intentional. If you want me to remove KJ weapons from the vendor and make they only possible to obtain through donating, that can be possible.

2: Hunters are no where near as powerful in TBC as Rogues or Warriors. Giving them the best two items possible in the game to already overpowered classes does not create balance. Neither did Thori'dal per se and I've stated many times adding it was a mistake. It went from 10 badges to 50 to 60 to 100 to now only being able to donate for. At least Hunter made use of the buff a bit where as adding such an item to Rogues would offset the balance of the server too much and it would be extremely unfun to play. $10 per glaive is a joke. I've had people offer $50+ per glaive and if I ever added them they would at minimal be that high. But no worries, I have no intentions of adding them.

3: Because that was a mistake. People exploit too much, won't happen. You have absolutely no idea how many times we tried to prevent exploiting in ZA when it dropped Sunwell gear. Was the biggest mistake ever. That is why we wiped Sunwell weapons a year ago.

4: Correction: "Many people were exploiting* SWP trash runs". Twins wasn't the reason we closed it, I watched as many guilds exploited, MYTH included. MYTH is the ones that made me close it. Ironically someone from their guild posted the day after upset blaming another guild when in reality, it was their own fault. I understand a bit to a degree that stuff is broken in there, a main reason why we closed it.

Having people just do trash to get some of the best items in the game patterns is silly. That's like throwing money on the ground and seeing how skilled people are to pick it up and obtain money. I don't see how that would ever promote PvE other than "do trash mobs for epic gear!"

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 10:07
by Mayore

now niggas, who deleted my post and why

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 10:23
by Imperium
Mayore wrote:offtop

now niggas, who deleted my post and why


Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 11:14
by Tahra
Another nonsense is Liron.
Not Liron himeself, but his abilities.
Just delete the function of resetting your cooldowns.
It's the most annoying thing ever. You might ask 'why'.. In every duel (I make the example for rogues now) they simply blow out all there CDs and not thinking abou it cuz they just can reset it for the next duel and maybe already in the current duel.

Think about it (:

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 11:24
by Imperium
Tahra wrote:Another nonsense is Liron.
Not Liron himeself, but his abilities.
Just delete the function of resetting your cooldowns.
It's the most annoying thing ever. You might ask 'why'.. In every duel (I make the example for rogues now) they simply blow out all there CDs and not thinking abou it cuz they just can reset it for the next duel and maybe already in the current duel.

Think about it (:
just duel them fifty yards out from Liron, that way if they try to go back and reset they end up fleeing, thus you win the duel

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 12:57
by Tahra
Doesn not work against druids, rogues and of course against mounts...

It's just annoying.. I'd say it destroys a bit the PvP or 1n1 when a rogue uses all of his CDs just in one duel.. That has nothing to do with 'skilled' or something. The players aren't able to play without or just with one 'pair' of CDs anymore. Frostmages, Sub.-Rogues etc

And of course the question. Why do we need that? On retail everyone knows how to play without a cd-reset too o:

Re: Smolderforge nonsenses

Posted: 08 May 2012, 16:10
by Abwyz
Henhouse wrote:1.1: Because honor is the universal currency. You can convert badges to honor points, and you can obtain honor. So they all go to the same place -- honor. Before when people voted they would obtain too many Badges of Justice and complain they had no use for them. So when we implemented converting I priced more things with honor because you can convert to get there. If I had it badges, all the people in the donor mall who are there for PvP (95%) would complain they are there for badges and not honor.
Why would PVP players expect PVE stuff to be selled for honor? Also converting system is joke, 1 badge worth only 100 honor, for shoulders you would need 400 badges.
Henhouse wrote:2: Hunters are no where near as powerful in TBC as Rogues or Warriors. Giving them the best two items possible in the game to already overpowered classes does not create balance. Neither did Thori'dal per se and I've stated many times adding it was a mistake. It went from 10 badges to 50 to 60 to 100 to now only being able to donate for. At least Hunter made use of the buff a bit where as adding such an item to Rogues would offset the balance of the server too much and it would be extremely unfun to play. $10 per glaive is a joke. I've had people offer $50+ per glaive and if I ever added them they would at minimal be that high. But no worries, I have no intentions of adding them.
Actually Hunters are doing 15% more dps than Rogues and 30% more than Warriors, no idea how did you get information that Rogues/Warriors are much more powerfull.
Henhouse wrote:3: Because that was a mistake. People exploit too much, won't happen. You have absolutely no idea how many times we tried to prevent exploiting in ZA when it dropped Sunwell gear. Was the biggest mistake ever. That is why we wiped Sunwell weapons a year ago.
What exploits do you mean? I know only one, pulling Janalai to Hex door's and that could be very easily solved, place a wall and make it pullable only from proper side. Second thing you should fix is that you can get to Halazzi without clearing trash, solution is the same, block that entrance with invisible wall.
Henhouse wrote:4: Correction: "Many people were exploiting* SWP trash runs". Twins wasn't the reason we closed it, I watched as many guilds exploited, MYTH included. MYTH is the ones that made me close it. Ironically someone from their guild posted the day after upset blaming another guild when in reality, it was their own fault. I understand a bit to a degree that stuff is broken in there, a main reason why we closed it.

Having people just do trash to get some of the best items in the game patterns is silly. That's like throwing money on the ground and seeing how skilled people are to pick it up and obtain money. I don't see how that would ever promote PvE other than "do trash mobs for epic gear!"
MYTH couldn't be included because we were created after you closed SWP. And no Henhouse, having people just to do trash to get some of the best items in game isn't silly, because it was done on retail as well and Blizzard didn't have any problems with it, no idea why you would have them.