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Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 16:13
by Coolyou

Pic enough said.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 16:43
by Mynce
for all u know , he could have a targeting addon so he can see who's targeting him.
and because of all the editing with paint its kinda hard to see if that is the priest youre targeting.
overall i think this needs more investigation.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 16:47
by Coolyou
Mynce wrote:for all u know , he could have a targeting addon so he can see who's targeting him.
and because of all the editing with paint its kinda hard to see if that is the priest youre targeting.
overall i think this needs more investigation.
Also if he use focus frame or etc in moment when i use vanish all focus,targets are removed instantly so its just a hax.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 19:14
by Toosh
I bet it was just a visual bug.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 21:13
by Coolyou
Visual bug damn Old times <3, But nah its not a visual bug this i just a simple hack for attacking in stealth.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 21:15
by Mynce
Coolyou wrote:Visual bug damn Old times <3, But nah its not a visual bug this i just a simple hack for attacking in stealth.
youre opinion is not a fact
its just youre side or in otherwords youre matter of thoughts.
you talk like you know this guy and knew exactly what he was doing.
maybe be a bit uh... whats the word,less arrogant ? i guess.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 21:18
by Toosh
Well, Cooly, I'd take you more seriously if you didn't base your whole opinion on a hunch. Also, warden would keep kicking this guy for using any 3rd party programs.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 21:30
by Coolyou
Toosh wrote:Well, Cooly, I'd take you more seriously if you didn't base your whole opinion on a hunch. Also, warden would keep kicking this guy for using any 3rd party programs.

Re: Pru priest x0x0

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 21:32
by Toosh

Stop calling troll every time someone doesn't agree with you.

Case closed.