Amani warbear
Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 17:05
People are gettin this for free AGAIN apparently

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And what's wrong with it? To open 4th chest in time you need some skill, why shouldn't people be rewarded for it?Mynce wrote:People are gettin this for free AGAIN apparently
It's not suppose to drop in ZA, the Amani War Bear is on the donation list. People paid money for it.Abwyz wrote:And what's wrong with it? To open 4th chest in time you need some skill, why shouldn't people be rewarded for it?Mynce wrote:People are gettin this for free AGAIN apparently
S4 is only available if you got 2k rating or donate 5 dollars.srs2 wrote:So is S4 and its still theoretically available for everybody. Should all donors cry about this too ?
Though getting bear is easier compared to that of course, both are not very realistic for majority here.
Thanks for the double checking!Henhouse wrote:The Amani War Bear does not drop in Zul'Aman. I have, and just did again double checked in-game and the loot tables.
Yes, I know, but why to not add it as a reward for opening 4th chest too?Firstaidkit wrote:It's not suppose to drop in ZA, the Amani War Bear is on the donation list. People paid money for it.Abwyz wrote:And what's wrong with it? To open 4th chest in time you need some skill, why shouldn't people be rewarded for it?Mynce wrote:People are gettin this for free AGAIN apparently
People paid money for a lot stuff that they could just get with farming. T6 would be a great example, everyone gonna easy have it later but people who want T6 now, pay 10 bucks.Mynce wrote: