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Heroic badges help bugged

Posted: 08 Feb 2009, 04:31
by Games
So I was on my warlock today and got some peeps togeher to do SWV.

We did the entire thing, but the first and last boss didn't drop any badges for me. We literally couldn't even loot them.

So added together 2 from first and 2 from last and 1 from quest...can i get my 5 badges in mail or something for my warlock? I did go through that work to get them...

Warlock - Drakedøg

Don't forget that special "O" in my name -_-

Re: Heroic badges help bugged

Posted: 08 Feb 2009, 06:23
by Henhouse
Make sure you're grouped correct, and that there is only 15 people in a group, no more than that. If there was, or you were not in a group that's why.

Re: Heroic badges help bugged

Posted: 08 Feb 2009, 07:01
by Games
I was in the group and there was a maximum of 12 people in the group, no more than 15 at all...

Can't I just get the badges that were lost?

Re: Heroic badges help bugged

Posted: 08 Feb 2009, 07:23
by Henhouse
Games wrote:I was in the group and there was a maximum of 12 people in the group, no more than 15 at all...

Can't I just get the badges that were lost?
Can't you just post proof?



Re: Heroic badges help bugged

Posted: 08 Feb 2009, 17:56
by Games
How the heck am i supposed to have "Proof"?

Screenshots don't much tell a story...

considering your a GM i don't think im asking for much at all

Re: Heroic badges help bugged

Posted: 08 Feb 2009, 18:21
by Henhouse
Screenshots provide about everything I need to tell the truth. I'm not going to just mail you badges without even knowing what happened or why you were unable to loot. If I mail you free badges I need to mail everyone free badges.