First off, you can't depatch. But you can unstall and re-stall. Which will take some time, but is very worth it!
Here is a guide for US/English:
Before we start, determine which guide will work for you.
There are 2 different ways to do it depending on how you want to install wow. If you have the wow and Tbc discs then you can do the easier/less time consuming way. If you do not have the wow disks, it will be a little more time consuming (more time downloading and as much time installing.
Guide 1: For those that have the wow disks.
Step 1. - Uninstalling
Uninstall your current 3.0.X+ WoW and make sure to DELETE ALL FILES ASSOCIATED WITH IT!
Step 2. - Installing
Install wow and TBC from the disks. DO NOT OPEN/START WOW! Just install them.
Step 3. - Downloading
Go to
Download the 2.x -> 2.4.2 and the 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3 patches (you can use any mirror) and make sure to download them to your MAIN wow file. For most people that is C:/program files/World of Warcraft or C:/World of Warcraft.
Step 4. - Patching
Once wow + TBC are installed and the patches are downloaded, double click the 2.x -> 2.4.2 file and let it patch. Then do the same for 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3.
Depending on which mirror you used to download the patches, they MAY be in a zip folder. In which case, just unzip them using winrar or winzip (whichever works) and make sure they unzip to the main wow folder. It may unzip to a new folder in the main wow folder, in which case you may have to move the file from the unzipped file into the Main Wow Folder.
Step 5. - Logging in
Register an account on Change the realmlist (in your main wow folder) to "set realmlist" (without the quotations). Log in and play!
Guide 2: For those who do not have the wow disks.
Step 1. - Uninstalling
Uninstall your current 3.0.X+ WoW and make sure to DELETE ALL FILES ASSOCIATED WITH IT!
Step 2. - Downloading
Go to and download:
None -> 2.0 and WoW -> TBC
as well as the patches 2.x - 2.4.2 and 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3
Step 3. - Installing
Install the none-2.0, then the wow -> tbc. DO NOT OPEN/START WOW! Just install them.
Step 4. - Patching
Open the patch 2.x -> 2.4.2 and let it patch, then open 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3 and let it patch.
Depending on which mirror you used to download the patches, they MAY be in a zip folder. In which case, just unzip them using winrar or winzip (whichever works) and make sure they unzip to the main wow folder. It may unzip to a new folder in the main wow folder, in which case you may have to move the file from the unzipped file into the Main Wow Folder.
Step 5. - Logging in
Register an account on Change the realmlist (in your main wow folder) to "set realmlist" (without the quotations). Log in and play!
*Note - If you are like myself and have TBC disks but not the original wow disks, just install the "none -> 2.0" and use the disks to install TBC. Or, if you have the original wow disks but not TBC, you can install the original wow using the disks and then instal TBC using the wow -> tbc file.
Guide for installing WOTLK
After installing 2.4.3 if you want to ALSO be able to play 3.0.X, you will need to make a COPY of your ENTIRE wow folder (usually c:\program files\World of Warcraft) ReName the copy it something like "WoW 243" or "WoW2".
Depending on how fast your computer is, this can take a while to copy the folder. It took about 5-10 minutes for my computer which is a couple years old.
Then , if you have WOTLK, install it and patch it via the blizzard patcher.
If you have an old wow account or know a friends wow account, go to World of Warcraft Website. You'll have to enter your account information (which i never suggest doing off a link), so If you feel more comfortable navigating there yourself, go to, go to the account management section, enter your info, and look for the "download game client" section.
If you don't have WOTLK and you don't have an old or active World of warcraft account. Go to Download the None-Wotlk client and it should install WOTLK.
Any way you do it your "World of Warcraft" folder will be updated to 3.0.3, but your copied folder should remain 2.4.3. Just create a shortcut on the desktop for each, and you're set.
Guide for downloading 2.4.3 addons - There are 3 "easy" ways, that I have found, to find the addons.
1. Google something like wow 2.4.3 "addon name" or "addon name 2.4.3" and see if a reputable site still has it available to download.
2. Search for the addon on Curse Gaming. Once you find it, navigate to the "downloads" table and look for a download with version 2.4.3.
3. Use Check the changelog for the newest version of 2.4.3. Most of the changelogs announce when they officially went 3.0.X, so you'll want the version before that. Remember the version number and then go to the archive section and download that version.
I hope this helps anyone who was unsure of how to do this. It can take several hours, so i suggest, especially if you need to download WoW and TBC (you don't have the disks) that you download all the patches while you sleep and then start setting it up the next morning.
If you are having any trouble, or would like some pictures added to the guide, feel free to reply here or send me a PM.
Good luck guys, and hope to see you on!
How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
Re: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
OMG just what i needed ^^
thanks alot, going to try right away :p
thanks alot, going to try right away :p
Re: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
Isnt deleting patch files, then opening repair.exe way easier ?
I dunno if it works in wotlk, but it always worked kinda fast & reliably
I dunno if it works in wotlk, but it always worked kinda fast & reliably
Swiftness - The Night Elf Warrior 33/25/3 Sword Spec or 0/20/41 Prot PvP
Arena Team: Not having any atm
Guild: Phasing Shift
Equip: 4/5 s3 & 4/8 t6..
"Being unpredictable is the best tactic in PvP."
Arena Team: Not having any atm
Guild: Phasing Shift
Equip: 4/5 s3 & 4/8 t6..
"Being unpredictable is the best tactic in PvP."
Re: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
This is downpatching from 3.0, it's not even near the same process as a minor patch.t0sKY wrote:Isnt deleting patch files, then opening repair.exe way easier ?
I dunno if it works in wotlk, but it always worked kinda fast & reliably
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: How to depatch to 2.4.3 *GUIDE*
This guide is outdated. Wowwiki no longer has links to the appropriate websites for patches 2.0 to 2.4.3
If someone can find links to 2.0 to 2.4.3 i'll revise the guide.
If someone can find links to 2.0 to 2.4.3 i'll revise the guide.
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