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Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 21:54
by Kfc
So the server got DCd and I instantly tried to log back in (which I always do). When that failed I tried logging on to the server called "Trinity Core testing" or something like that. It didn't work and got disconnected from that server too. Then, when I tried to log back in on the regular Smolderforge lvl 70 server I got the "The information you have entered is not valid..." message. I am sure I have not changed the password since I made it and I am also sure no one else has changed it.

Re: Suhweet
Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 22:16
by Waloower
I had the same problem.
You see they are trying to implement the Oregon Core or something like that i am not quite sure and many users have <<lost>>their passwords.
Like i did.
Dont worry my friend.
Send a Private Message to Henhouse here in in the forums with your acc name and he will fix it.
Or he might see your post in here (depends if he is busy) and fix it with ought you having to let him know :P .
Have fun !!!
Re: Suhweet
Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 22:40
by Kfc
Solved. Lock it plx.