Wrong password?
Wrong password?
So, I was in Hyjal killing randoms when all of a sudden I got disconnected. I tried to log back in but the message saying "the information you have entered is not valid" came up. Either someone hacked my account (sounds a little dramatic, I know.) or something really weird happened
PM me if you need the acc name, password (before it got changed) and email
PM me if you need the acc name, password (before it got changed) and email
Re: Wrong password?
We're all experiencing the same issue. It's Henhouse "messing" around.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Wrong password?
Yeah I was getting stuff ready for the prune script and I stopped the MySQL process which disconnected the databases. Sorry about that, it was fixed about an hour or so ago.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Wrong password?
I have this problem too, it occured like 30~ mins ago, I even changed my password to check if it'll work but it didn't. How to fix it or when it'll be fixed? ^^
- Posts: 2
Re: Wrong password?
I ve got same problems as Senar i can t log in... (to Senar-> it's me Brutal)
Re: Wrong password?
Heh... so i've got the same problem with wrong password... i don't know what is going on with it... can you fix this pls? i will be glad for that :)
P.S. hello "Czarny" and Senar xD
P.S. hello "Czarny" and Senar xD
Re: Wrong password?
got same prob :( (Buns) :FFearlezz wrote:Heh... so i've got the same problem with wrong password... i don't know what is going on with it... can you fix this pls? i will be glad for that :)
P.S. hello "Czarny" and Senar xD
WTF buns ;(
Re: Wrong password?
Guys I think everyone has the same problem. Now we just need to sit back and wait untill any GM inform us of what is happening. Also, check the date of the topic before making any posts. This one is from Novebmber 14th.
Re: Wrong password?
Thank you, Alicit.
Please refer to: http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=1406
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Please refer to: http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=1406
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Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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