Missing mats

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Missing mats

Post by Neverwind »

I've leveled my engineering to max and when I wanted to make some specific items, i noticed that some of the matherials were missing. Here are the ones i noticed so far:
1. Star Ruby
2. Jade
3. Mageweave Cloth
4. Runecloth
5. Silk Cloth
6. Dark Iron Bar
7. Blue Sapphire
8. Icecap
9. Frost Oil
10. Azerothian Diamond

-Is there any chance one of the GM's could add these items to the vendors? Thanks in advance
-High Warlord Neverwind
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Re: Missing mats

Post by Henhouse »

Normally we can only have 15 pages in a vendor so we're trying to keep the most needed mats only. However, somehow we did have 16 pages once and I'm not sure how it was possible.

If it somehow is possible to having more than 15 pages I'll surely add them.
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Re: Missing mats

Post by Neverwind »

Alright, thanks.
-High Warlord Neverwind
-Rank one once and for all!
-'Nightmares never last, one day you wake up and they're gone...'
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