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Re: Lunar Festival

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 10:20
by Chesterz
Valadar Starsong can't be found in Nighthaven, hence the quest can't be completed.

Re: Lunar Festival

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 14:39
by darkingyuy
True, had the same problem yesterday!

Re: Lunar Festival

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 16:54
by Chesterz
Lets make a festival with great reward, but do not put the npc there.
Nice one!

Re: Lunar Festival

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 17:51
by Henhouse
This was caused by the world Lunar Festival event beginning at the wrong time. I manually started the event, but sometimes the core will turn it back off if it realizes it's not supposed to be on yet.

Next restart will fix the dates and it will sync up correctly with the mall event. I've turned it back on for now, but not sure when or if it will turn off again before the restart.

Re: Lunar Festival

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 09:09
by Chesterz
Thank you for the fast fix, Henhouse!
If I may ask, what about the elders? I could not find some of them, are they ingame properly?

Re: Lunar Festival

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 14:45
by Xios
Chesterz wrote:Thank you for the fast fix, Henhouse!
If I may ask, what about the elders? I could not find some of them, are they ingame properly?
Yes, they are all in-game, some of them are very tricky though. You have to look very closely ;)