This people need a warning

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Re: This people need a warning

Post by Blue »

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Re: This people need a warning

Post by Firstaidkit »

Hii wrote:Firstaidkit dont u agree if i should queue from shatt , then we should just remove the tanaris battlemaster? i mean what is the point of that tanaris battlemaster,why did henhouse put it there?to be blocked or to be used?
I can just queu perfectly fine when someone is "blocking" the BG master also you can queu from Orgrimmar (or Stormwind), Shattrath and the Mall. So I don't see the problem here?

I just suggested that IF they "block" you at the mall you can go to another place to queu up. You cannot even mount in Orgrimmar or Stormwind since the BG master is inside there ;) meaning they cannot "block" it. You can teleport there through Liron the Teleport Master by selecting Battlemasters.
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Re: This people need a warning

Post by Apuclevercow »

Wamboye wrote:
Rottingham wrote:Funny how people are against Flying mounts in the mall area, why?
because cows (me and other evil cows) would block the bgmasters with netherdrakes and stuff.
King Wambo knows.
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