I overheard in <Barrens Chat> that <Syndicate inc> is a bunch of <Russians Dead Souls> with <EXTRA CURRICULAR>s acting all <Hall of Fame> for the <One Spot> because they are <II Immortal Guardians II> secretly involved with <cow cluks clan> tearing down <One by One> like <admiral>s
That's not <Passion> it's <toxicity>, <you MONSTER>. <bring me a challenge> and stop <Quality Control> something when you <has an advantage> so <Dark of Mind>
Help needed to recover a guild
Re: Help needed to recover a guild
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: Help needed to recover a guild
Better guild than anyone of you ever made that lasted like 2 months. (yM was great though)
?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Re: Help needed to recover a guild
Azrion appears to have logged in yesterday.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Help needed to recover a guild
Thanks for using 2 of my guildnames Wacco! Finally I feel famous.
Must be kidding me. One spot was more of a joke than a decent guild. I never understood how one spot members took themselves serious after the guild only got fame through ruuren. Playing with 3-5 pve casters and 3-5 healers full premade against randoms did you guys actually enjoy yourselves back in the day? Lol. Other than that it was a few people doing bgs together, I don't get how that makes it the best sf guild ever either. If there's no competition that doesn't mean that you're the best.Denergo wrote:Better guild than anyone of you ever made that lasted like 2 months. (yM was great though)
Re: Help needed to recover a guild
Speaking aside, I could use some help with getting control over Extra Curricular too. Guild master Illpwnu is offline for a month and finally after countless attempts to contact him, he said he won't log in for a year....
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