Read BEFORE Posting - Petty Issues
Read BEFORE Posting - Petty Issues
If another player offends you with his language or actions there is no need to post here. The ignore button works wonders. ( Don't feed the trolls ) If you're getting spawn camped just rez at the spirit healer and go somewhere else. Hearthstones work miracles too. That's about it, thanks for the read.
Re: Read BEFORE Posting - Petty Issues
/vote for sticky
Let's clear up that Issues Forum. 30% (slight exaggeration) of Forum talk is about Petty Issues
Let's clear up that Issues Forum. 30% (slight exaggeration) of Forum talk is about Petty Issues
Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
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