Cant log in after a long time

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Cant log in after a long time

Post by Gowstyk »

Hi everyone, so here is my problem : I havnt logged on this server after few years. Today i wanted to go back to it and after downloading everything and changing realmlist im facing this problem, i cant log in, when i put my name account and password the screen just stay on "Connecting..." and nothing happen.

Do you guys have a solution? Thank you very much
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Re: Cant log in after a long time

Post by Henhouse »

It is likely that the realmlist file was saved incorrectly. If you have file extensions hidden, make sure you enable them and ensure the file is not really "" which is a common mistake.

You can use this link to download ours and drag & drop it into your WoW folder:
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Re: Cant log in after a long time

Post by mrmrgh »

Gowstyk wrote:Hi everyone, so here is my problem : I havnt logged on this server after few years. Today i wanted to go back to it and after downloading everything and changing realmlist im facing this problem, i cant log in, when i put my name account and password the screen just stay on "Connecting..." and nothing happen.

Do you guys have a solution? Thank you very much
I have the same problem and even with trying the link you have provided , there is no connection yet...
I wish you could check if it is just us or You as well...
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Re: Cant log in after a long time

Post by mrmrgh »

So I just figured that maybe there is some kind of issue to the server, connecting via Iranian IP , Tried cell phone as the router and since it was dynamic, I could connect; If there is some kind of help u can do on your side, please do and let us know! In the meantime, I am contacting my own Internet provider to provide some sustainable fix to this!
Greetings from Iran
I thank you guys for the great efforts u're puting in helping the players <3
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Re: Cant log in after a long time

Post by Henhouse »


Let me know if you manage to connect. I've heard about people having issues connecting who are from Iran. I think there is some kind of block or filter to European servers preventing direct connections.
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Re: Cant log in after a long time

Post by mrmrgh »

Henhouse wrote:Hi,

Let me know if you manage to connect. I've heard about people having issues connecting who are from Iran. I think there is some kind of block or filter to European servers preventing direct connections.
I did manage to connect, how? By using VPN's and proxies .
Seems like it is the servers or the routers which are getting blocked.
If it is any other Infos u may need, let me know.
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