I've noticed that character stats get lowered for some reason from a game master's summon (I noticed I had less mana and resilience for example in today's event, I don't know what all stats it affects and by what magnitude, I'm guessing it affects all stats however. If I recall correctly I also had less health). Hopefully it will be fixed because it is rather annoying. Relog should typically fix it, but if the spell itself could be fixed I think that would be even nicer. This should be very easy to test/verify, simply pick a character to summon, compare stats before/after summon.
Best regards,
GM summoning & stat issue
Re: GM summoning & stat issue
For some players it does trigger an imbalance in stats. I usually don't use the spell again, instead I use the commands, but make sure to let me know in-game before that we start any event (if you were part of).
For some players it does trigger an imbalance in stats. I usually don't use the spell again, instead I use the commands, but make sure to let me know in-game before that we start any event (if you were part of).
Retired Game Master.
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