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so ye its blizzlike but only in vanilla. Can you fix it and do normal numbers on target?
In vanilla u have to use addons to see hps not percentages but in TBC blizzard changed and u should see numbers if u still want percentages esc -> interface -> status text -> display percentages.
2200-2400 all privates servers TBC warrior.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Can you do it like it was earlier or we need download addons to see numbers not percentages? No offense but maybe better to fix critical bugs in game to be atleast a bit closer to (AT) than less important things like that. PvP at the momement here is a joke : (
2200-2400 all privates servers TBC warrior.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
How so? We have pretty good PvP compared to most TBC servers out there. If there are bugs, please, report them. It's up to the reports we receive to fix things.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Playing that game for 9 years ~~ i have seen a lot of servers tbc retail like privates. If pvp would be good here 2v2 and 3v3 should be active not like now (2-4 teams 50% of them dodgers) in 2s and thats all. On AT was 100-200 players that playing all the time arenas. Its just about activity not about level. At the moment its impossible to play with server lags and a lots of resists like 3-4 in a row doesnt matter if opponent have any talents or u have hit cap and many many more.
btw. Can you do it like it was earlier or we need download addons to see numbers not percentages?
sorry for english
2200-2400 all privates servers TBC warrior.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Health/Mana % was in vanilla and in TBC up to S2 if I recall correctly.
I got som old screenshots of my lv 66 priest during S3 in TBC and on those screenshots the mobs and players had displayed health and mana.
(I had no addons back then, was a newbie, but the % thing was an option in the interface to select (or maybe it was default % but had the option to show numbers)) either way this fix needs to be reverted. It is annoying.
And yeah, the LoS on "standing close/walking close" to the trees in WSG needs to go.